
Linux Tutorials: How to troubleshoot Linux Server?

If a linux-build-server suddenly starts getting slow, I would divide my approach / troubleshooting into 3 section as follows; System Level troubleshooting Application Level troubleshooting Dependent Services troubleshooting Understand Logs Level…

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Java Installation Guide in Linux & Windows

DOWNLOAD OPEN JDK & JRE JAVA PACKAGE FROM – Download and Install JDK/JRE 7 in Centos & RHEL Download and Install JDK/JRE 8 in Centos & RHEL Download and…

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Docker Tutorials: How to Install Docker in Ubuntu?

Install Docker Engine in Ubuntu NOTE – All commands you must run as root user or add a current user into a linux group name called “docker” How to beocme…

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DataOps Certification and Training

DataOps certification is very crucial part of getting trained and learning. That we will talk later in details. But first lets understand what is DataOps. What is DataOps The DataOps…

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Career Scope in DataOps

What is DataOps DataOps is an Agile approach to designing, implementing and maintaining a distributed data architecture that will be supporting a broad range of open source tools and frameworks…

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Chef Tutorials: Chef roles Tutorials and Example

What is Role? A role is a way to define certain patterns and processes that exist across nodes in an organization as belonging to a single job function. Each role…

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Chef Tutorials: Configure Workstation with knife

Install Chef Workstation Configure Chef Workstation with Chef Infra Server using Knife

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Installation and Configuration Guide: Bamboo

System requirements & considerations Java: Database: Installing Bamboo on Linux Install Bamboo using Docker Container Step 1 – Install Docker Step 2 – Install and Configure Bamboo using Docker…

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How to Setup SVN Server with Apache2 in Ubuntu

This article will help you for step by step setup of Subversion (svn) server on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS & 16.04 LTS systems. Step 1 – Install Apache First of all,…

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Future of DataOps in Software Engineering

What is DataOps? According to Gartner, “DataOps is a collaborative data management practice focused on improving the communication, integration and automation of data flows between data managers and data consumers…

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Roles & Responsibilities in DataOps?

DataOps According to Gartner, DataOps is a collaborative data management practice focused on improving the communication, integration and automation of data flows between data managers and data consumers across an…

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Advantage & Disadvantage of DataOps

DataOps According to Gartner, DataOps is a collaborative data management practice focused on improving the communication, integration and automation of data flows between data managers and data consumers across an…

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What are the top tools of Dataops

What is DataOps? DataOps is a set of practices, processes and technologies that combines an integrated and process-oriented perspective on data with automation and methods from agile software engineering to…

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How DataOps Works and Architecture

What is DataOps? DataOps stands for Data Operations. DataOps is a process-oriented, automated, and Data management collaborative approach for designing, implementing, and managing data workflows and a distributed data architecture….

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How to implement DataOps

What is DataOps? According to Gartner,”DataOps is a collaborative data management practice, really focused on improving communication, integration, and automation of data flow between managers and consumers of data within…

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Trigger Jenkins Job using “Build periodically” and “Poll SCM”

Method 1 – AT CERTAIN TIME AKA Build periodically Method 2 – AT CERTAIN TIME BUT Build only when there is Code changes AKA Poll SCM Setting up the cron…

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Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS displays “There is 1 zombie process” upon login

To Check the zombie process run below command and Then kill the parent process 👉 For more details read below tutorial on this topic: Click Here

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Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) – Simply Explained

SDLC stands for Software Development Life-cycle and it is a process through which any software or applications goes underway in certain procedures and in the end, we get that in…

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How to Register and prepare for the Jenkins Certification? – 2020

What is Jenkins? Jenkins is one of the most popular DevOps tool for Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD).  It plays an important role in automating the software development process…

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Laravel Social Login using Socialite

Installations—- (laravel 5.5) composer require laravel/socialite “^3.2.0” configuration—–(config/services.php) ‘facebook’ => [ ‘client_id’ => env(‘facebook_CLIENT_ID’), // Your facebook Client ID ‘client_secret’ => env(‘facebook_CLIENT_SECRET’), // Your facebook Client Secret ‘redirect’ => ‘http://your-callback-url’,…

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Elastic Search Error – max file descriptors [4096] for elasticsearch process is too low, increase to at least [65535]

Elastic Search Error – max file descriptors [4096] for elasticsearch process is too low, increase to at least [65535] Solution Temporary to the current login session To set ulimit value…

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Understading Octopus Deploy Backup and restore process

Your Master Key When an Octopus Server is installed, we generate a special key used for encryption, called the master key. The master key is then encrypted asymmetrically, using DPAPI,…

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uDeploy Application processes Steps Explained!!!

Application processes, like component processes, are created with the process editor. UDeploy provides several common process steps. Also, application processes are assembled from processes that are defined for their associated…

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The Four Basic Requirements for an SCM

Identification, control, audit, and status accounting are the four basic requirements for a software configuration management system. These requirements must be satisfied regardless of the amount of automation within the…

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SonarQube Upgrade, Backup and Restore Process | SonarQube Tutorial

SonarQube Upgrade, Backup and Restore Process

Today I will share the steps to upgrade from the SonarQube version 5.X to SonarQube version 6.X. We have upgrade guide which can be found but its not complete guide thus I am sharing the steps as follows which can be followed for the production server as well.  As practice shared on the oficial guide that before upgrading to the next major release, you must upgrade to know LTS e.g

How DevOps is enhancing the capability of software development?

We all know that DevOps is an established relationship stage between development phase and IT Operations. It is vital that collaboration and communication between the two units are promoted from…

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How DevOps course is enhancing the capability of software development?

How DevOps course is enhancing the capability of software development? Software Industry in these days adopting a new practice called “DevOps”. This word change the process of software development in…

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How to Setup Puppet Learning VM – Complete Process/Guide

Download the VM(Zip File here)   Minimum requirements Internet-enabled Windows, OS X, or Linux computer with 10GB free space and a VT-x/AMD-V enabled processor. Up to date virtualization software….

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How to Install Jenkins using Docker | Step by step guide | scmGalaxy

Step 1: Installing Docker [code] $ apt-get install docker (Ubuntu) $ yum install docker  (RHEL/CENTOS) [/code] For more info, please following this Step 2:  First, pull the official jenkins…

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