Linux Performance Monitoring Guide

CPU Memory Network Storage Device and Input I/O Storage Capacity Storage Controller CPU Memory and I/O Interconnect

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Docker Tutorials: Docker Command line Reference | Docker Tutorial | Docker Guide

One liner to stop all of Docker containers: > docker stop $(docker ps -a -q)   One liner to remove all of Docker containers: > docker rm $(docker ps -a…

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Installation and Configuration Guide: Bamboo

System requirements & considerations Java: Database: Installing Bamboo on Linux Install Bamboo using Docker Container Step 1 – Install Docker Step 2 – Install and Configure Bamboo using Docker…

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Linux Tutorials: Commands for Linux User

ls – List directory contents. cd – Change the current directory pwd – Print the name of the current working directory. touch – Create an empty file or update the…

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Helix Server Perforce Trigger Quick Start Guide

What is Perforce Trigger? Helix Server supports triggers which are user-written programs or scripts that are called when certain operations are performed. Examples of operations that might fire a trigger…

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Java Command Line Options

-client       to select the “client” VM -server       to select the “server” VM -hotspot      is a synonym for the “client” VM  [deprecated] The default VM is client. -cp <class search path…

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MSBuild Tutorial Reference for Beginner | MSBuild Learning Resources | scmGalaxy

Walkthrough: Creating an MSBuild Project File from Scratch How to: Write a Simple MSBuild Project MSBuild Basics Build Your Project File from Scratch using MSBuild

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Jenkins Web References & Cheatsheet

How to take care of a large Jenkins installation and still keep your sanity – Part 1 How to take care of a large Jenkins installation and still keep your…

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Gerrit Web References & Cheatsheet

Gerrit Performance CheatSheet

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Commonly Used Sign- Punctuation and their Name in Perl

Commonly Used Sign- Punctuation and their Name in Perl ( => ) Comma Arrow  ( ‘ ’, “ ”, ‘ ‘, ” “ ) à Quotation marks ( $ ) àDollar sign ( ~…

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Recommended Books for Maven | Good books for Maven learning

Recommended Books for Maven

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Maven commands Web References & Cheatsheet

Maven CLI Options Reference Options Description -am,–also-make If project list is specified, also build projects required by the list -amd,–also-make-dependents If project list is specified, also build projects that depend…

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SCM Build and Release Engineer Jobs Website | Portal

Build and Release Engineer Jobs | Build Engineer Jobs | Clearcase Administrator Jobs | Configuration Engineer Jobs | SCM Administrator Jobs | Release Engineer Jobs | Perforce Administrator Jobs |…

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Sed command Web References & Cheatsheet

UNIX SED Introduction · Sed is a “non-interactive” stream-oriented editor. Since its an “non-interactive” it can be used to automate editing. · This allows you to edit multiple files, or…

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Simple Ant Example – clean, prepare, and compile tasks

Sample Ant clean, prepare, and compile tasks <target name=”clean”> <echo>=== CLEAN ===</echo> <delete failonerror=”false”> <fileset dir=”${dest.dir}” includes=”**/*”/> </delete> <delete dir=”${temp.dir}” /> </target> <target name=”prepare” depends=”clean”> <echo>=== PREPARE ===</echo> <mkdir dir=”${dest.dir}”…

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How to configure and use SSH authentication system server CVS

How to configure and use SSH authentication system server CVS cvs (Concurrent Version System) is a very popular version control tool. Although its function as Perforce, Subversion and other powerful,…

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Usage of ANT_OPTS in Ant Script | ANT_OPTS capabilities

Usage of ANT_OPTS in Ant Script | ANT_OPTS capabilities Ant has three environment variables that you can use to set its default behavior. • ANT_ARGS Set this variable to include…

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How to Run/Deploy Java EE applications on Amazon EC2?

Running Java EE applications on Amazon EC2: deploying to 20 machines with no money down Computer hardware has traditionally been a scarce, expensive resource. In the early days of computing…

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How to copy VSS project from one VSS database to another one without loosing history

If you have any of the following questions in your mind, then this article is the perfect destination for you. How to copy VSS project from one VSS database to…

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SSARC Utility & SSRESTOR Utility – Archive, Restore VSS Project – Guide

Question:  How to Archive VSS Project in Visual Source Safe (VSS)? How to Restore VSS Project in  Visual Source Safe (VSS)? What is SSARC Utility? What is SSRESTOR Utility? SSARC…

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How To Create a Unique SRCSAFE.INI File ?

1. Create a new SRCSAFE.INI file and place it in the desired location. 2. If you want include the default SRCSAFE.INI in the unique copy, add the following line: #INCLUDE…

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Understand Ant command line arguments with Examples

Several tasks take arguments that will be passed to another process on the command line. To make it easier to specify arguments that contain space characters, nested arg elements can…

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How to use ant Script to Reset BuildNumber?

To use this code, you need to have the file build.number containging: major.number=1 minor.number=0 hotfix.number=0 revision.number=0 continuous.number=0 Then the following 3 targets:   <taskdef resource=”net/sf/antcontrib/antlib.xml”/> <taskdef name=”unset” classname=”ise.antelope.tasks.Unset”/>     <target name=”initBuildNum” description=”Get…

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Command line switches of devenv.exe | Devenv command line switches Guide

To see this list, type devenv /? on command prompt /build – build the specified solution configuration   /project – specifies the project to build instead of solution, must specify…

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Ant command line arguments – Examples – Summary

Ant command line arguments Several tasks take arguments that will be passed to another process on the command line. To make it easier to specify arguments that contain space characters,…

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