How to Display Recent and popular data from Database using left join and OderBy

Fist Step In Welcome.blade.php file for Table Secound Step In Pages.blade.php Third Step In Routing, Go To web.php Forth Step In GestController.php This is Return $gallery View This is View…

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jQuery Form Events: An jQuery for Beginners

What is jQuery Form Events? Events are things that happen to objects, such as the clicking of a command button or the opening and closing of a form, etc. These…

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Maven Vs Ant | Maven or Ant which is better ?

Maven Vs Ant

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Comparison Between UCC, CLOC, POWERSOFTWARE,EZ-Metrics and Metrixware

Unified CodeCount (UCC) CLOC POWERSOFTWARE EZ-Metrics Metrixware Languages C/C++, C#, Java, SQL, Ada, Perl, ASP, ASP.NET, JSP, CSS, HTML, JavaScript, VB, and VbScript YES – All ADA, Assembly, ASP, C#,…

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SLOC Tools Comparison | SLOC Tools Differences | SLOC Tools Comparison Table

Tool Open Source – Commercial URL CAST Commercial Sonar Open Source SLOC Open Source -> Commercial RSM Commercial LocMetrics Commercial EZ-Metrics Commercial Metrixware Commercial…

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How to Select the Right Software version Control Product?

Original link: Selecting the Right Software Version Control Product Written by Mike Feighner For many years, I worked loyally for the same company where my expertise was restricted to…

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Configuration Management Tools Discussion

My main experience is with ClearCase. I have read various descriptive comparisons between ClearCase and other available Software Management Version tools. Which tool has your company implemented? What were the…

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Anthillpro Comparison with Atlassian Bamboo – Continuous Integration Tools Review

ANTHILLPRO COMPARISON WITH ATLASSIAN BAMBOO AnthillPro Vs Bamboo OR Difference between AnthillPro and Bamboo OR Last month i was discussing with Eric Minick from Anthillpro on Why Build Engineer should…

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Difference between Maven 1 and Maven 2 | Maven 1 Vs Maven 2

What is Maven 2? Maven 2.0 is a complete rewrite of the ‘original’ Maven application (‘Maven 1’). As such, it is very different from Maven 1, and not backwards-compatible (eg,…

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Bamboo Vs TeamCity Vs CruiseControl – Continuous Integration Expert Review

Difference between Bamboo Vs TeamCity Vs CruiseControl TEAMCITY TC pre-tested commit is good. TC integrates to Visual Studio which is our main IDE. JetBrains are more focused on supporting .NET…

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File Comparing Tools Review and Feedback

File Comparing Tools review File comparison in computing is the automatic comparing of data between files on a file system. The result of comparisons are typically displayed to the user,…

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What makes P4Win better than P4V? – P4V deficiencies

P4V deficiencies compared to P4Win Here’s list of P4V deficiencies & features missing as compared to P4Win…   1). In P4V you can’t paste paths onto the tree view as way…

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Benefits of CVSNT, What are the advantages of CVSNT over CVS ?

Advantages of CVSNT over CVS Feature CVSNT CVS Server Supports authentication via Microsoft Active Directory or SSH (windows only) YES NO Set enforced protocols allow server to lock out clients…

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Major differences between CVS and CVSNT | CVS Vs CVSNT

Major differences between CVS and CVSNT | CVS Vs CVSNT CVSNT was started as a variation (or branch) of CVS in 1999 because patches contributed to CVS were not considered…

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