
MSBuild Tutorial Reference for Beginner | MSBuild Learning Resources | scmGalaxy

Walkthrough: Creating an MSBuild Project File from Scratch How to: Write a Simple MSBuild Project MSBuild Basics Build Your Project File from Scratch using MSBuild

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How to Install Jenkins using Docker | Step by step guide | scmGalaxy

Step 1: Installing Docker [code] $ apt-get install docker (Ubuntu) $ yum install docker  (RHEL/CENTOS) [/code] For more info, please following this Step 2:  First, pull the official jenkins…

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Linux Tutorials: Complete Reference for Commands & Scripting

Linux User Commands Linux Commands for User Linux Commands reference in scmGalaxy forum Linux Admin Commands Linux Commands for Administrator Main Responsibilities of the Linux System Administrator 20 pmap Commands…

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How to Install Sonatype Nexus installation using Docker?

Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager 2 Install a Docker Engine Installation Instructions can be found here – Download a Sonatype Nexus Image > docker pull sonatype/nexus For Sonatype Nexus Repository…

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How to Host your own Nuget Feed? | Step by Step Guide | Tutorial

Hosting your own Nuget Feed? 1. Local File Based Package Source Limitation with fles based source – It does not have nuget capable feed. Can not push the package. We…

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How to Install and Configure Gerrit2 in CentOs and Ubantu ?

Step 1:  Update System > yum update > apt-get update Step 2: Install git Step 3: Install screen Step 4: Install screen Step 5: Install Java Step 6: MySQL Step…

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How to Publish a Nuget package in NuGet Gallery?

How to Publish a Nuget package in NuGet Gallery? Step 1 – Create an account at Head over to and register for an account. Once you do that,…

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How to create a package in Nuget? | Nuget Tutorial

Hosting your own Repository in Nuget How to create a package in Nuget? Mehtod 1 – From An Assembly If you have an assembly, you can easily generate a nuspec…

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Provision a AWS ec2 vm using chef | Step by Step Guide | AWS ec2 vm Tutorial

Provision a AWS ec2 vm using chef Step 1: Install chefdk Step 2: Setup AWS Credentails Step X: Setup your knife config Step X: Make sure following is set and…

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How to install chefDK in RHEL, Ubantu, Mac and Windows?

How to install chefDK in RHEL, Ubantu, Mac and Windows? How to install chefDK in RHEL Step 1: Download checfdk from > wget or > curl -o chefdk-0.9.0-1.el6.x86_64.rpm…

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The basic steps to adopt the continuous inspection pattern

The following outlines the basic steps to adopt the continuous inspection pattern: 1. Tool selection. Evaluate and select one or more tools that can perform static analysis on your code…

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Step by Step Instruction to Upgrade Perforce to 2014

Step by Step Instruction to Upgrade Perforce to 2014 The step are as follows: a) Check if the license is current. p4 license -o The expiry date must be later…

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Ways to Perforce server Disk Space Cleanup and Repos Size Management

DRAFT VERSION Cleaning up Old Checkpoints Playing with Symlink(Softlink) and Redirecting the ROOT folder to drive where we have enough place. Deleting db.have and recreate it manually Display disk space…

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How to assign computer startup scripts?

1. Open the Group Policy snap-in. 2. In the console tree, click Scripts (Startup/Shutdown). – Where? policy name Policy > Computer Configuration > Windows Settings > Scripts (Startup/Shutdown)or Start the…

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Performance Optimization of Build Server | Performance Optimization Guide

Performance Optimization Checklist of Build Servers Build Infrastructure Level 1.  Do you really need to build all source code or only the part of code which has changes? 2. Project…

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Versioning in Software Configuration Management | SCM Versioning Guide

Versioning in Software Configuration Management? Reference: This article has been take out from Book Called “The Build Master: Microsoft’s Software Configuration Management Best Practices” Why Worry About Versioning? Having a…

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Use of p4 duplicate command | P4 Command Guide

Use of p4 duplicate command Problem Area is – Is there any possibility to rename branch name? as directory rename is possible? Solution is – p4 duplicate command What the…

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How to Execute external commands by using perl?

There are many ways to execute external commands from Perl. The most commons are: system function exec function backticks (“) operator open function All of these methods have different behaviour,…

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A Successful Git branching model | Git branching model Guide

I was reading article and thought to repost here. It focuses around Git as the tool for the versioning of all of our source code. Why git? For a thorough discussion…

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How to Check File Attributes in Perl ? Perl File Attributes explained

Checking File Attributes in Perl I have been using perl for quite some time now. I have also been using the file handling logic in my scripts. However, what I did…

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How to Examin History in Subversion (SVN)?

Examining History in Subversion Your Subversion repository is like a time machine. It keeps a record of every change ever committed and allows you to explore this history by examining…

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How to Setup Configure Hudson Master Slave? – Complete Guide

The tasks can be scheduled to run on the same machine (Master), or on a different machine (Slave). A master is a installation of Hudson, that can manage one or…

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How to run ant build in intellij? – IntelliJ/Ant integration Guide

IntelliJ/Ant integrationBy Alvin J. Alexander, devdaily.comThe fact that IntelliJ is off-the-shelf ready to work with Ant is a great, great feature. It’s also simple to configure and use.Assuming that you…

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A sample Ant build script that builds a WAR file – Guide

A sample Ant build script that builds a WAR file <project name=”MyWebApplication” basedir=”..” default=”install”> <!– project-specific variables –> <property name=”” value=”myapp” /> <property name=”” value=”${}.war” /> <property name=”webapp.dir” value=”/Users/al/tomcat-6.0.16/webapps” />…

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Website Typography

Below is a list with arrows. To use this style create a list in the following format: …. …. … Quisque ultrices etiam, class nec velit vestibulum sit congue pulvinar,…

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What is Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) ? – Complete Guide

Introduction The Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) is a set of concepts and practices for managing Information Technology (IT) services (ITSM), IT development and IT operations. Purpose ITIL stresses service…

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HOWTO: Install e17 from SVN/source on Ubuntu

E17 is a lightweight window manager/bundle of libraries for Unix based operating systems. E17 is designed to be both elegant and fast – two goals it succeeds at very well….

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How to configure and use SSH authentication system server CVS

How to configure and use SSH authentication system server CVS cvs (Concurrent Version System) is a very popular version control tool. Although its function as Perforce, Subversion and other powerful,…

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Usage of ANT_OPTS in Ant Script | ANT_OPTS capabilities

Usage of ANT_OPTS in Ant Script | ANT_OPTS capabilities Ant has three environment variables that you can use to set its default behavior. • ANT_ARGS Set this variable to include…

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