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Using Response Files and Silent Installers

installanywhereExpert created the topic: Using Response Files and Silent Installers
Silent mode is an InstallAnywhere UI mode that is useful for enterprise class systems. In silent mode, InstallAnywhere has no end-user interaction, and runs either on the defaults provided by the developer, or by providing a response file from which the installer retrieves the values for various InstallAnywhere variables used to control the install.

This type of response file is generated after the completion of the installation. InstallAnywhere creates the file when the wizard exits, storing the values of the applicable properties in the file. This is useful for saving a record of a specific wizard execution session that can later be reused in a silent or modified installation. You can generate a response file by specifying -r in the command line or by clicking the Always Generate Response Files check box on the Info subtask under the Project task. By default, all of the variables defined in your installation are recorded. The following procedure explains how to automatically generate a response file using the InstallAnywhere UI and exclude variable names and/or values.

1. On the Advanced Designer, click Project. The Project task appears.
2. On the Project task, click Info. The Info subtask appears.
3. Click the Always Generate Response Files check box.
4. Click Exclude Variables. The Exclude Variables dialog box appears.
5. Click Add. A blank row appears in the list.
6. Double-click the blank box under Variable Name and enter the name of the variable you want to exclude.
7. Double-click the blank box under Exclusion Options then either click:

Rajesh Kumar
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