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What is Ansible Automation mesh?

Ansible Automation Mesh is a new feature introduced in Ansible 2.11 that provides a unified automation platform for organizations of all sizes. It enables organizations to automate IT operations across their entire IT infrastructure, regardless of where it resides, including on-premises, in the cloud, or at the edge.

Ansible Automation Mesh provides a central control plane that allows organizations to manage and orchestrate automation across their entire IT infrastructure, while also providing a scalable and secure platform for managing and automating IT operations.

With Ansible Automation Mesh, organizations can standardize and streamline their automation workflows, improve the efficiency of their IT operations, and reduce the complexity of their automation infrastructure. Additionally, it provides a unified platform for managing and automating IT operations, regardless of the underlying infrastructure, enabling organizations to achieve their IT automation goals.

In summary, Ansible Automation Mesh is a new feature in Ansible that provides a unified automation platform for organizations of all sizes, enabling them to automate IT operations across their entire IT infrastructure and achieve their IT automation goals.

Rajesh Kumar
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