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Windows Installer Service not properly registered

InstallerExpert created the topic: Windows Installer Service not properly registered
I need to download .NET3.5 SP1 for TurboTax. When attempting to load the software I was led to issues that said .NET2 was not working properly. I have deleted the file and am trying to reintall .NET2 however I am receiving an error message that windows installer service is not properly registered and will not let the install complete. How do I register WIS? I have also had intermitent messages saying that setup.exe was running in another program although I was not running another program. Is this somehow related?

msiexpert replied the topic: Re: Windows Installer Service not properly registered
The Windows Installer error notwithstanding, see…

Aaron Stebner’s WebLog: TurboTax 2009 can fail to install because it thinks the .NET Framework is not installed, even when it is

Rajesh Kumar
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