apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: multicontainer-pod
- name: producer
image: ubuntu
command: ["/bin/bash"]
args: ["-c", "while true; do echo $(hostname) $(date) >> /var/log/index.html; sleep 10; done"]
- name: webcontent
mountPath: /var/log
- name: consumer
image: nginx
- containerPort: 80
- name: webcontent
mountPath: /usr/share/nginx/html
- name: webcontent
emptyDir: {}
#Review the code for a multi-container pod, the volume webcontent is an emptyDir...essentially a temporary file system.
#This is mounted in the containers at mountPath, in two different locations inside the container.
#As producer writes data, consumer can see it immediatly since it's a shared file system.
more multicontainer-pod.yaml
#Let's create our multi-container Pod.
kubectl apply -f multicontainer-pod.yaml
#Let's connect to our Pod...not specifying a name defaults to the first container in the configuration
kubectl exec -it multicontainer-pod -- /bin/sh
ls -la /var/log
tail /var/log/index.html
#Let's specify a container name and access the consumer container in our Pod
kubectl exec -it multicontainer-pod --container consumer -- /bin/sh
ls -la /usr/share/nginx/html
tail /usr/share/nginx/html/index.html
#This application listens on port 80, we'll forward from 8080->80
kubectl port-forward multicontainer-pod 8080:80 &
curl http://localhost:8080
#Kill our port-forward.
kubectl delete pod multicontainer-pod

I’m a DevOps/SRE/DevSecOps/Cloud Expert passionate about sharing knowledge and experiences. I am working at Cotocus. I blog tech insights at DevOps School, travel stories at Holiday Landmark, stock market tips at Stocks Mantra, health and fitness guidance at My Medic Plus, product reviews at I reviewed , and SEO strategies at Wizbrand.
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Rajesh Kumar at QUORA
Rajesh Kumar at WIZBRAND