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rajeshkumar created the topic: wyBuild
Using the wyBuild application you can deliver updates of your software to your users fast. No confusing interfaces – just simplicity. Make your users happy by keeping them up-to-date. They’ll love having the latest bug-free versions of your software. They’ll talk far and wide about how great your software is.

Make your current users happy, attract more users, and make more money all with wyBuild.


Visually Design your Updates:
· Drag & drop files directly from Windows Explorer, add registry changes with a few clicks, and upload your updates to your site all within the same interface.

Tiny Update Patches:
· wyBuild quickly compares your new version with your older versions. So instead of including whole files in the updates, wyBuild creates tiny update files with only the changes to get from one version to the next.

.NET Optimizations:
· wyBuild automatically detects any assemblies made with Microsoft’s .NET Framework 2.0 (or above). When the update is installed on your user’s computer, wyUpdate optimizes these .NET assemblies to start and run fast using NGEN.

Multi-lingual wyUpdate:
· wyUpdate has been tranlated into 13 languages: Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Serbian, Spanish, and Swedish. Also, wyBuild has a translation editor for creating and editing language files.

Secure Updating:
· Your users will always have working software. For instance, if the user cancels a software update, or an unforseen error occurs while updating, wyUpdate quickly and cleanly restores the previous version of the software. It never leaves extras files or registry lying around.

Windows Vista’s User Account Control (UAC):
· No worrying about Windows Vista’s troublesome UAC, wyUpdate handles it in stride. Limited users can check for updates without needing Administrator priviledges and, if an update is found, Windows UAC prompts the user for an administrator password.

· wyUpdate also handles user access particulars on all other Windows versions (2000, XP, etc.). A user will always be able to check for updates, and will only be prompted for a password if the user doesn’t have access to the folders or registry that need to be updated.
Rajesh Kumar
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