Docker Certified Associate (DCA) Certification Training Course

(5.0) G 4.5/5 f 4.5/5
Course Duration

10 - 15 hours

Live Projects



Industry recognized

Training Format




Certified Learners


Years Avg. faculty experience


Happy Clients


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Containers plays a crucial role in the DevOps process and It is the leading container runtime platform and offers features around container management and orchestration. This Docker certification training course is designed for the participants who are willing to give the "Docker Certified Associate (DCA)" certification exam as well as for those aspirants who wants to acquire the strong knowledge and understandng of Docker and Containerization

The course is designed from scratch, its like a go-to course for anyone who is new to Containerization and wants to claim the official Docker certification.

With lots of quizzes, dumps, excellent lectures and superb support from the certified Docker trainer and instructors, this DCA exam course will help you to learn all the concepts and necessary skills to clear your "Docker Certified Associate" certification exam easily.

DevOpsSchool Training Venue

(Vervenest Technologies Private Limited)

3478J HAL 2ND Stage, Chirush Mansion,
2nd & 3rd Floors, 13th Main Road,
HAL 2nd Stage,Indiranagar, 13th A Main Rd,
Bengaluru, Karnataka 560008
Phone - +1 (469) 756-6329 (India Toll Free) |
+91 84094 92687 (Worldwide)
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Instructor-led, Live & Interactive Sessions

Docker Certified Associate (DCA)
Online (Instructor-led)
15 Hours

Course Price at



[ Fixed - No Negotiations]

About Containers and Docker

What is Container

In the DevOps software development process - Containers is the solution to one of the crucial traditional problem of "how to get software to run reliably when moved from one computing environment to another." It help us to build, test, deploy, and redeploy applications on multiple environments from local machine to on-premises data center and in the private or public cloud as well.

What is Docker?

Docker is so popular today that it has become the synonymous of container technology. Docker has introduced and setted the industry standard for containers and fixed this “it works on my machine” headache for millions of developers worldwide. It empower developers to easily pack, ship, and run any application as a lightweight, portable, self-sufficient container, which can run virtually anywhere.


  • Course Introduction
  • About the Training Architect
  • Course Features and Tools
  • Introduction to Docker Community Edition
  • Installing Docker on CentOS
  • Installing Docker on Ubuntu
  • Selecting a Storage Driver
  • Running a Container
  • Upgrading the Docker Engine
  • Configuring Logging Drivers (Splunk, Journald, etc.)
  • Introduction to Docker Swarm
  • Configuring a Swarm Manager
  • Configuring Swarm Nodes
  • Docker Swarm Backup and Restore
  • Namespaces and Cgroups
  • Installing and Configuring the Docker Engine
  • Building a Docker Swarm
  • Introduction to Docker Images
  • The Components of a Dockerfile
  • More Dockerfile Directives
  • Building Efficient Images
  • Flattening a Docker Image to a Single Layer
  • Introduction to Docker Registries
  • Using Docker Registries
  • Creating Your Own Docker Image
  • Building a Private Docker Registry
  • Locking and Unlocking a Swarm Cluster
  • High Availability in a Swarm Cluster
  • Introduction to Docker Services
  • Using docker inspect
  • Docker Compose
  • Introduction to Docker Stacks
  • Node Labels
  • Building Services in Docker
  • Building a Docker Application Stack
  • Docker Storage in Depth
  • Configuring DeviceMapper
  • Docker Volumes
  • Image Cleanup
  • Storage in a Cluster
  • Using Volumes in Docker Containers
  • Using Storage Volumes with Docker Swarm
  • Docker Networking
  • Built-In Network Drivers
  • Creating a Docker Bridge Network
  • Deploying a Service on a Docker Overlay Network
  • Exposing Containers Externally
  • Network Troubleshooting
  • Configuring Docker to Use External DNS
  • Using a Docker Bridge Network
  • Deploying a Service on an Overlay Network

  • Signing Images and Enabling Docker Content Trust
  • Default Docker Engine Security
  • Docker MTLS
  • Securing the Docker Daemon HTTP Socket
  • Working with Docker Content Trust
  • Installing Docker EE
  • Setting up Universal Control Plane (UCP)
  • Security in UCP
  • Setting Up Docker Trusted Registry (DTR)
  • Sizing Requirements for Docker, UCP, and DTR
  • Configuring Backups for UCP and DTR
  • DTR Security Features
  • Managing Certificates with UCP and DTR
  • How to Prepare for the Exam
  • What's Next After Certification?
  • Get Recognized
1 Orchestration 25%
2 Image Creation, Management, and Registry 20%
3 Installation and Configuration 15%
4 Networking 15%
5 Security 15%
5 Storage and Volumes 10%


Lifetime Technical Support
Lifetime LMS access
Exam Dumps after Training
Group Discounts
  • Docker certification couted amongst most in-demand certification of the industry.
  • Your Container and Docker skills will get recognized.
  • Official Docker certfication recognized and acceptable worldwide.
  • Any employer and organizatins can easily verify the certificate status.
  • Being a Certified Docker porfessional helps you to grow your network and helps you to get a good job.
  • After getting the docker certification, 26 percent report job promotions, and 35 percent of the industry professionals say getting certified helped them to bag a good package.
  • DevOpsSchool is an industry leader in delivering DevOps, Cloud and Container training programs since 2014. And Docker is a container tool.
  • DevOpsSchool is recognized as one of the best reviewed and top rated Docker Certification training institute.
  • DevOpsSchool has designed Docker training programs according to the current industries requirement.
  • DevOpsSchool has all the official certificaiton program of Docker and Kuberenetes available. Like Docker Certified Associate (DCA), Certified Administrator (CKA), Certified Application Developer (CKAD) and Certified Security Specialist (CKS)
  • DevOpsSchool facilitate regular, weekdays, weekends and customized Docker Certification training programs.
  • DevOpsSchool has best certified Certififed Docker trainers and mentors with 10 to 17 years of real industry experience.
  • DevOpsSchool’s offers the best Docker training and support with well-defined training modules and course sessions.
  • We have all kind of programs available i.e group training, public batches, corporate sessions, One-on-One sessions are available too.
  • We give our candidates 24×7 Learning Management System (LMS) access. Students are free to access all the Docker Certification learning materials – unlimited number of hours as per their own preferred timings.
  • We also provide technical support even after completion of Course.
  • Variety of study materials available: PDF slides, Video Tutorials, Notes, PPTs and Real time scenario based projects and assignments.
  • Access to group discussions, interview preparation KIT – Interview Questions (Technical and HR), Lab Guides, Docker Exam Preparation/Exam Dumps.
  • Globally recognized Docker course completion certificate.
  • The ability to retake the class at no-charge as often as desired.
  • Helps participants to take knowledge of complex technical concepts.
  • Allow access to the support Team is for a lifetime and will be available 24/7. The team will help you in resolving queries, during and after the certification training.
  • After training a participant can self-assessed using our self-assement ecosystem feature in our LMS.
  • Anyone who is interested in containerizatin or Docker will get benefit from this Docker Certification Training course.
  • Professioanls who are wants to earn Docker Certified Associate certification.
  • well-suited for: Freshers, Software developers, Software engineers, Technical leads, System administrators.
  • A bit of Linux knowledge would help.



Docker Certified Associate (DCA)

12th of Each month


Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA)

12th of Each month


Master in DevOps Engineering (MDE)

5th of Each month


Site Reliabilty Engineering (SRE)

5th of Each month


What are the benefits of Docker Certified Professional (DCP) certifications?
  • Docker certification couted amongst most in-demand certification of the industry.
  • Your Container and Docker skills will get recognized.
  • Official Docker certfication recognized and acceptable worldwide.
  • Any employer and organizatins can easily verify the certificate status.
  • Being a Certified Docker porfessional helps you to grow your network and helps you to get a good job.
  • After getting the docker certification, 26 percent report job promotions, and 35 percent of the industry professionals say getting certified helped them to bag a good package.
  • Obviously there are several factors which affects salary for like geography, skills, company, it varies accordingly. In Cities like Bangalore/Hyderabad Docker Certified Professional can expect - INR. 4,79,074 to Rs. 8,14,070 per year
  • Day by day demand is growing for Containers knowledge and skillsets, getting certified as a Docker professional makes a lot of sense.

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After the training each participant will get LIFETIME ACCESS of our Learning Management System (LMS) where you will get materials in the form of Class recordings, Notes, PDF slides, Web reference step by step guide, questions and answers, Dumps, test module, exercise and assignements.

You must earn a passing score via a proctored exam to earn a Docker Certification. Upon receiving a passing score, you will receive your certification credentials.

Examity proctors this exam and you have to go their official website to register and schedule for the exam. DCA - Exam - Registration

Docker (DCA) Certification will be valid for 2 years only. After that you need to update your certification in every two years.

In the event that you do not pass a Docker Certification exam, you may retake the exam, subject to the following conditions: a) wait 14 days from the day you fail to take the exam again, b) pay the exam price each time you attempt an exam.

Yes, the registration fee for the Associate Exam is $195 or €175. Payment is good for one exam attempt.



Abhinav Gupta, Pune


The training was very useful and interactive. Rajesh helped develop the confidence of all.


Indrayani, India


Rajesh is very good trainer. Rajesh was able to resolve our queries and question effectively. We really liked the hands-on examples covered during this training program.


Ravi Daur , Noida


Good training session about basic Docker concepts. Working session were also good, howeverproper query resolution was sometimes missed, maybe due to time constraint.


Sumit Kulkarni, Software Engineer


Very well organized training, helped a lot to understand the Docker concept and detailed related to various tools.Very helpful


Vinayakumar, Project Manager, Bangalore


Thanks Rajesh, Training was good, Appreciate the knowledge you poses and displayed in the training.


Abhinav Gupta, Pune


The training with DevOpsSchool was a good experience. Rajesh was very helping and clear with concepts. The only suggestion is to improve the course content.

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  DevOpsSchool is offering its industry recognized training and certifications programs for the professionals who are seeking to get certified for DevOps Certification, DevSecOps Certification, & SRE Certification. All these certification programs are designed for pursuing a higher quality education in the software domain and a job related to their field of study in information technology and security.