Rancher PRIME Training

(5.0) G 4.5/5 f 4.5/5
Course Duration

5 Days

Live Project



Industry recognized

Training Format




Certified Learners


Years Avg. faculty experience


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What is Rancher PRIME Training?

In a nutshell, Rancher PRIME Training equips system administrators with the skills to manage and operate groups of containerized applications efficiently using Rancher PRIME, a commercial version of the popular container orchestration platform Kubernetes.

Rancher Prime is a cloud-based platform that helps enterprises manage, deploy, and operate Kubernetes. It helps with streamlined application development, centralized authentication and access control, enterprise security, auditing, backups, upgrades, observability, and alerts. Rancher Prime is designed to address the operational and security challenges of managing multiple Kubernetes clusters anywhere.

Why Rancher PRIME Training is important

As there isn't specific information available about Rancher PRIME Training, I can't comment directly on its importance. However, training programs provided by Rancher Labs, such as those focusing on Kubernetes, containerization, and DevOps practices, are generally important for several reasons:

  • Skill Development: Training programs help individuals develop the skills and knowledge necessary to effectively use Rancher's tools and platforms. This includes understanding Kubernetes concepts, managing containers, implementing DevOps practices, and utilizing Rancher features for container orchestration.
  • Optimized Platform Usage: Proper training ensures that users can make the most of Rancher's capabilities, leading to optimized platform usage, improved efficiency, and better resource utilization within organizations.
  • Increased Productivity: Well-trained teams can work more efficiently with Rancher, leading to increased productivity in software development, deployment, and operations tasks.
  • Security and Compliance: Training programs often cover security best practices, ensuring that teams understand how to implement security measures effectively within Rancher environments. This knowledge is crucial for maintaining security and compliance standards.
  • Troubleshooting and Support: Training equips teams with troubleshooting skills, enabling them to diagnose and resolve issues efficiently. This reduces downtime and reliance on external support, improving overall system reliability.
  • Adoption and Success: Training programs facilitate the adoption of Rancher's technologies within organizations by providing users with the necessary skills and confidence to leverage the platform effectively. This leads to greater success in implementing containerization and Kubernetes-based solutions.

Rancher PRIME Course Feature

These features may also apply to Rancher PRIME Course:

  • Comprehensive Curriculum: The course likely covers a wide range of topics relevant to Rancher, Kubernetes, container orchestration, and DevOps practices. This could include Kubernetes fundamentals, Rancher deployment and management, container security, monitoring, and scaling.
  • Hands-on Labs: Practical exercises and lab sessions allow participants to gain hands-on experience with Rancher's tools and platforms. This hands-on approach helps reinforce learning and provides real-world experience in managing containerized environments.
  • Expert Instructors: The course may be led by experienced instructors with expertise in Rancher, Kubernetes, and related technologies. These instructors provide guidance, insights, and best practices based on real-world scenarios.
  • Interactive Learning: Interactive elements such as Q&A sessions, discussions, and group activities foster engagement and collaboration among participants. This interactive approach enhances learning and allows participants to share knowledge and experiences.
  • Self-paced Learning: The course may offer self-paced learning options, allowing participants to access course materials and complete modules at their own convenience. This flexibility accommodates different learning styles and schedules.
  • Certification Preparation: If applicable, the course may include preparation materials and resources to help participants prepare for certification exams related to Rancher, Kubernetes, or DevOps practices. This could include practice exams, study guides, and exam-taking strategies.
  • Networking Opportunities: Participants may have the opportunity to network with peers, instructors, and industry experts through online forums, discussion groups, or networking events. This networking aspect allows participants to expand their professional network and share insights.
  • Continuous Support: The course provider may offer ongoing support and resources beyond the duration of the course. This could include access to additional materials, updates on new features or developments, and opportunities for continued learning.
  • Feedback Mechanisms: Participants may have the opportunity to provide feedback on the course content, structure, and delivery. Feedback mechanisms help course providers improve the quality of their offerings and tailor future courses to participants' needs.

Rancher PRIME Training objectives

These objectives would likely align with the overall goals of Rancher Labs and their focus on Kubernetes, containerization, and DevOps practices:

  • Understanding Rancher Ecosystem: Gain a deep understanding of the Rancher ecosystem, including its architecture, components, and key features.
  • Mastering Kubernetes: Develop proficiency in Kubernetes fundamentals, including concepts such as pods, deployments, services, and ingress controllers.
  • Rancher Deployment and Management: Learn how to deploy, configure, and manage Rancher clusters effectively, including multi-cluster management and lifecycle management.
  • Container Orchestration: Understand the principles of container orchestration and how Rancher facilitates the orchestration of containerized workloads across clusters.
  • Security Best Practices: Learn best practices for securing Rancher environments, including authentication, authorization, network security, and secrets management.
  • Monitoring and Logging: Gain insights into monitoring and logging best practices for Rancher clusters, including how to set up monitoring tools and analyze logs effectively.
  • Scaling and Performance Optimization: Learn techniques for scaling Rancher clusters and optimizing performance to meet the demands of production workloads.
  • DevOps Integration: Explore how Rancher integrates with DevOps practices, including CI/CD pipelines, infrastructure as code (IaC), and automated deployment workflows.
  • High Availability and Disaster Recovery: Understand strategies for achieving high availability and implementing disaster recovery solutions in Rancher environments.
  • Troubleshooting and Support: Develop troubleshooting skills to diagnose and resolve issues in Rancher clusters effectively, leveraging Rancher support resources and community forums.

Rancher PRIME Target audience

Rancher PRIME training is specifically designed for system administrators who want to develop the skills to manage and operate containerized applications effectively. Here's a closer look at the target audience:

  • System Administrators: These IT professionals are responsible for installing, configuring, and maintaining computer systems. With the rise of containerization, their role is evolving to encompass managing containerized deployments as well. Rancher PRIME training equips them with the necessary skills to handle this additional responsibility.
  • Focus on Kubernetes Environments: The training is geared towards system administrators who already have some understanding of Kubernetes, the underlying container orchestration platform that Rancher PRIME builds upon. While foundational Kubernetes concepts might be covered, the core focus is on leveraging Rancher PRIME's features for managing Kubernetes clusters.
  • Multiple Cluster Management: The target audience typically manages deployments that span across multiple clusters. The training equips them with the knowledge and skills to manage these complex environments efficiently using Rancher PRIME's multi-cluster management functionalities.
  • Those Seeking Career Advancement: System administrators looking to advance their careers in the cloud-native and containerization space will find Rancher PRIME training valuable. The skills acquired can make them more attractive candidates for positions involving managing containerized applications at scale.

Rancher PRIME Training methodology

Rancher PRIME training typically employs a blended learning methodology that combines various teaching methods to cater to different learning styles and maximize knowledge retention. Here's a breakdown of what you can expect:

  • Lectures and Presentations: The training may include instructor-led lectures and presentations covering key concepts, best practices, and use cases related to Rancher, Kubernetes, containerization, and DevOps. These sessions provide foundational knowledge and theoretical understanding of the topics.
  • Hands-on Labs and Workshops: Practical exercises and hands-on workshops allow participants to apply the concepts learned in lectures to real-world scenarios. Participants may deploy and manage Rancher clusters, configure Kubernetes resources, and practice DevOps workflows in lab environments.
  • Case Studies and Use Cases: Case studies and real-world use cases demonstrate how organizations have successfully implemented Rancher, Kubernetes, and DevOps practices to solve specific challenges and achieve business goals. Analyzing these case studies helps participants understand practical applications of the technology.
  • Interactive Discussions and Q&A Sessions: Interactive discussions and Q&A sessions encourage participation and engagement among participants. This allows for the exchange of ideas, sharing of experiences, and clarification of doubts and questions.
  • Group Projects and Collaboration: Group projects and collaborative activities promote teamwork and peer learning. Participants may work together to solve problems, complete assignments, and present their findings or solutions to the group.
  • Self-paced Learning Modules: Self-paced learning modules provide flexibility for participants to learn at their own pace. These modules may include pre-recorded videos, online tutorials, and interactive quizzes or assessments.

Rancher PRIME Training materials

The specific training materials you receive for Rancher PRIME training will depend on the provider and program format you choose. However, here's a general breakdown of what you can expect:

  • Presentation Slides: Slide decks containing comprehensive information on Rancher, Kubernetes, containerization concepts, best practices, and use cases. These slides serve as a visual aid during instructor-led sessions.
  • Textbooks and Guides: Reference materials such as textbooks, guides, whitepapers, and documentation covering essential concepts, implementation guidelines, and troubleshooting tips related to Rancher and Kubernetes.
  • Hands-on Lab Guides: Step-by-step instructions and lab exercises for practical implementation of Rancher, Kubernetes, and DevOps practices in a simulated environment. These guides provide hands-on experience to reinforce theoretical knowledge.
  • Case Studies and Use Cases: Real-world examples and case studies illustrating successful implementations of Rancher, Kubernetes, and DevOps practices. Case studies provide insights into common challenges, solutions, and best practices.
  • Sample Code and Scripts: Examples of code snippets, scripts, configuration files, and templates demonstrating Rancher and Kubernetes deployment, configuration, automation, and integration with DevOps tools.
  • Video Tutorials: Recorded video sessions, tutorials, and demonstrations featuring expert insights, walkthroughs, and best practices related to Rancher, Kubernetes, and DevOps practices.
  • Online Documentation: Access to online documentation, official Rancher documentation, Kubernetes documentation, and other relevant resources for additional reference and self-study.

Instructor-led, Live & Interactive Sessions

Course Price at
8 to 12 Hrs. (Approx)
Online (Instructor-led)
Public batch


8 to 12 Hrs. (Approx)
Videos (Self Learning)
Public batch


5 Days
Corporate (Online/Classroom)
Rancher PRIME Training
Corporate Batch
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Agenda: Rancher PRIME Training Download Curriculum


Lifetime Technical Support
Lifetime LMS access
Interview Kit
Training Notes
Step by Step Web Based Tutorials
Training Slides
  • Rancher unified the multi-cluster app management
  • Support hybrid & multi-cloud
  • Works well with DevOps toolsets like Jenkins, Gitlab, Travis, Prometheus, Grafana, Fluentd, Istio.
  • It allows consistent security policy and compliance
  • There’s only one version of Rancher; it’s 100% free and open-source software.
  • If you want to switch from Rancher, you can remove it with minimal disruption to services.
  • Rancher simplifies the installation and configuration of Service mesh with Istio
  • It increases the productivity of developers, because after implementing Rancher they don't need to worrying about the infrastructure that runs them.
  • With the help of Rancher even new employees can launch applications and wire them together quickly at production level without even beng an expert of Kubernetes.
  • Everyone who want to build and manage high available kubernetes cluster in simple way
  • Kubernetes knowledge
  • People interested by Rancher Computing
  • People curious about learning a new topic


What are the benefits of "Rancher" Certification?

Getting certified in any profession always play an important role in career growth. Getting trained and certified in Raccher shows that the individual is expert in Racher can efficiently harness the power of Rancher for the organization.

Based on the reports Rancher has quickly become the best choice for running containers in production and reportedly 30,000 teams are using Rancher every day. Which means professionals are required to Join the team who has adopted Rancher in their organization

There are 100+ fortune 500 companies such as Fidelity, Fox Sports, Swiss Mobilar Insurance, Cetera, BMC Software, and many more using Racher for running their containers in production. Getting trained and certified in Rancher will give you an edge if you want to JOIN these companies.


To maintain the quality of our live sessions, we allow limited number of participants. Therefore, unfortunately live session demo cannot be possible without enrollment confirmation. But if you want to get familiar with our training methodology and process or trainer's teaching style, you can request a pre recorded Training videos before attending a live class.

Yes, after the training completion, participant will get some assignment and real-time scenario based project (if applicable) where they can impletement all their learnings and acquire real-world industry setup, skills, and practical knowledge which will help them to become industry-ready.

All our trainers, instructors and faculty members are highly qualified professionals from the Industry and have at least 10-15 yrs of relevant experience in various domains like IT, Agile, SCM, B&R, DevOps Training, Consulting and mentoring. All of them has gone through our selection process which includes profile screening, technical evaluation, and a training demo before they onboard to led our sessions.

All the Demo/Hands-on are to be executed by our trainers on DevOpsSchool's AWS cloud. We will provide you the step-wise guide to set up the LAB which will be used for doing the hands-on exercises, assignments, etc. Participants can practice by setting up the instances in AWS FREE tier account or they can use Virtual Machines (VMs) for practicals.

  • Google Pay/Phone pe/Paytm
  • NEFT or IMPS from all leading Banks
  • Debit card/Credit card
  • Xoom and Paypal (For USD Payments)
  • Through our website payment gateway

Please email to contact@DevopsSchool.com

You will never lose any lecture at DevOpsSchool. There are two options available: You can view the class presentation, notes and class recordings that are available for online viewing 24x7 through our Learning management system (LMS). You can attend the missed session, in any other live batch or in the next batch within 3 months. Please note that, access to the learning materials (including class recordings, presentations, notes, step-bystep-guide etc.)will be available to our participants for lifetime.

Location of the training depends on the cities. You can refer this page for locations:- Contact

We use GoToMeeting platform to conduct our virtual sessions.

If you do not want to continue attend the session in that case we can not refund your money back. But, if you want to discontinue because of some genuine reason and wants to join back after some time then talk to our representative or drop an email for assistance.

Our fees are very competitive. Having said that if the participants are in a group then following discounts can be possible based on the discussion with representative
Two to Three students – 10% Flat discount
Four to Six Student – 15% Flat discount
Seven & More – 25% Flat Discount

If you are reaching to us that means you have a genuine need of this training, but if you feel that the training does not fit to your expectation level, You may share your feedback with trainer and try to resolve the concern. We have no refund policy once the training is confirmed.

You can know more about us on Web, Twitter, Facebook and linkedin and take your own decision. Also, you can email us to know more about us. We will call you back and help you more about the trusting DevOpsSchool for your online training.

If the transaction occurs through the website payment gateway, the participant will receive an invoice via email automatically. In rest options, participant can drop an email or contact to our representative for invoice



Abhinav Gupta, Pune


The training was very useful and interactive. Rajesh helped develop the confidence of all.


Indrayani, India


Rajesh is very good trainer. Rajesh was able to resolve our queries and question effectively. We really liked the hands-on examples covered during this training program.


Ravi Daur , Noida


Good training session about basic Devops concepts. Working session were also good, howeverproper query resolution was sometimes missed, maybe due to time constraint.


Sumit Kulkarni, Software Engineer


Very well organized training, helped a lot to understand the DevOps concept and detailed related to various tools.Very helpful


Vinayakumar, Project Manager, Bangalore


Thanks Rajesh, Training was good, Appreciate the knowledge you poses and displayed in the training.


Abhinav Gupta, Pune


The training with DevOpsSchool was a good experience. Rajesh was very helping and clear with concepts. The only suggestion is to improve the course content.

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  DevOpsSchool is offering its industry recognized training and certifications programs for the professionals who are seeking to get certified for DevOps Certification, DevSecOps Certification, & SRE Certification. All these certification programs are designed for pursuing a higher quality education in the software domain and a job related to their field of study in information technology and security.

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