(Senior DevOps Manager & Principal Architect)
Rajesh Kumar — an award-winning academician and consultant trainer, with 15+ years’ experience in diverse skill management, who has more than a decade of experience in training large and diverse groups across multiple industry sectors.
-Reduce duplication of effort
-Improve consistency
-Embrace change
-Remove known sources of error
- Building applications
- Building Environments
- Configuring Applications and environments
- Optimizing software Delivery to End to End
- Nice to have (Standardization)
Continuous Integration is a software development practice where members of a team integrate their work frequently, usually each person integrates at least daily - leading to multiple integrations per day. Each integration is verified by an automated build (including test) to detect integration errors as quickly as possible.
- Martin Fowler
Continuous Delivery is the continual delivery of code to an environment once the developer feels the code is ready to ship. The idea is to deliver code to a user base - QA (UAT or Staging) or customers (Production environment), for continual review and inspection.
Continuous Delivery is the continual delivery of code to an environment once the developer feels the code is ready to ship. The idea is to deliver code to a user base - QA (UAT or Staging) or customers (Production environment), for continual review and inspection.
Code Quality poor | average | good | best
- Builds pass | fail
- Test Quality
- System Availability
- Performance of Tools and Products
- SCM Infrastructure Availability
- It save time of.
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