Getting Started with Docker

Course Introduction

The Basics


About Me


  • Docker and Containers:
    • The Big Picture
  • Docker Deep Dive
  • Integrating Docker with DevOps Automated Workflows
  • Docker Swarm:
    • Native Docker Clustering

docker containers

Course Agenda

course agenda with docker
course agenda for docker
  • Install Docker
  • Working with Containers
  • Working with Apps
course agenda for docker getting started

Installing Docker

docker image

images of docker

Things change fast in the tech world!!!!!

Some of this stuff will get out of date :-(

Module Agenda

module agenda for-docker

Coming up....

Docker for Windows

Docker for Windows

docker for windows

Native Docker for Windows 10 looks like it’s coming….

native docker for windows 10

Coming up....

Docker for Mac

Docker for Mac

What we always wanted boot2docker to be like

A product from Docker, Inc.

docker for mac

Coming up....

Windows Server 2016

Installing Docker on Windows Server 2016

We're showing Windows Server 2016 TP5

Demo will use full-fat Windows with GUI

Install Containers feature

Install Docker engine

Demo running your first container

Install Containers feature

  • Install Containers feature

  • Reboot

  • Install Docker engine

  • Add Docker to %PATH%

  • Register dockerd.exe as service

  • Start Docker service

  • Check with docker version

Coming up....

Installing Docker on Linux

I'm showing Ubuntu

What you see will work on many Linux distros

If in doubt.....

searching docker install on centos

Not all Docker’s are equal

Some vendors fork their own track that might diverge from the official Docker

Especially important if you want commercial support

Module Summary

You learned how to install Docker

Coming up....

Working with images and containers

Working with native orchestration

Working with Containers

working with containers for docker

model of docker

Docker Deep Dive course for more detail...

docker deep dive course

Quick recap...

docker run hello word.jpg
image of docker run hello word

Containers and Images

Images ~ Stopped Containers

Containers ~ Running Images

containers images for docker

docker deep dive

Container Lifecycle

"To persist or not to persist."

runnig up docker container

Container lifecycle ~ VM lifecycle

container lifecycle for docker

docker host

Top Level Images *Official*

(stored in the root of Hub)

  • nginx
  • busybox
  • ubuntu
  • redis
  • alpine
  • ...

Second Level Images

(stored in their own namespace)

  • nigelpoulton/pluralsight-docker-ci
  • dockercioud/haproxy
  • phusion/baseimage
  • mesoscioud/mesos-master
  • cockpit/ws

None of the above images and repos are endorsed or recommended by this course. They are just shown as examples of second-level repos

The other processes seen (ps and top) are temporary processes that Bash created (forked) when I ran those respective commands


docker remote api

image of docker remote api
Docker pullStarts a new container
Docker runCopies images to the Docker Host
Docker imagesLists images on the Docker Host
Docker rmiRemoves images from the Docker Host
Docker psLists running containers
Docker stopStops running containers
Docker rmRemoves (deletes) stopped containers

Coming up. next....

Native Dockr clustering and orchestration

Swarm Mode and Microservices

Latest and greatest features introduced with Docker 1.12


docker paln
plan of docker starting
plan for docker starting

Swarm Mode Theory

The new stuff in Docker 1.12 and later...

The new stuff in Docker 1.12 and later...

docker swarm engine

The new stuff in Docker 1.12 and later...

docker swarm engine mode
docker swarm mode theory

Let’s go build a Swarm!

Building a Swarm

Requires Docker 1.12 or later

docker building a swarm
  building a swarm docker

Let’s get into Services!


declaratve of docker


service of docker

Coming up next....

Desired state & scaling

Coming up next

Rolling Updates

Coming up next....

Stacks and DABs


swarm mode for docker

Everything we did in this module required Docker 1.12 or later

mode of docker swarm

Everything we did in this module required Docker 1.12 or later

swarm mode of docker

Everything we did in this module required Docker 1.12 or later

mode of docker

Everything we did in this module required Docker 1.12 or later

swarm for docker

Everything we did in this module required Docker 1.12 or later

swarm mode and service for docker

Everything we did in this module required Docker 1.12 or later

Coming up next

What to do next...

What next!

Related courses

  • Docker Deep Dive

  • Docker with DevOps Automated Workflows

  • Docker for Web Developers

  • CD using Docker and Ansible


docker questions

Thanks for You