Puppet 4: Server and Puppet Enterprise


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Module Overview

  • Lab Environment
  • Installing CentOS 7
  • Course Contents
  • Puppet Server vs Puppet Enterprise

Lab Environment

Puppet Server Lab

Installing CentOS 7 for Puppet Server

Puppet 4 and the latest Puppet Enterprise are based on Java. As such there is a requirement of a minimum of 4GB RAM. We will run though the Virtual Machine Setup.

  • Puppet 4: Language Essentials
  • Puppet 4: Working with Modules and Classes
  • Puppet 4: Working with Files and Templates
  • Puppet 4: Hiera the Single Source of Truth
  • Puppet 4: Server and Puppet Enterprise

Puppet 4: Server and Puppet Enterprise

Puppet Server and Enterprise

Server vs Enterprise


Next up: Installing Puppet Enterprise

Installing Puppet Enterprise


  • Configuring NTP.
  • Configuring Puppet Server Hostname.
  • Accessing the Installer.
  • Installing Puppet Enterprise.

Puppet Enterprise

Puppet Enterprise is free for 10 nodes and includes Puppet Server, Puppet DB and the Dashboard.

The Puppet Server 4 can be installed independently from the Puppet Labs Repository.

$ sudo yum install ntp
$ sudo systemctl start ntpd
$ sudo systemctl enable ntpd
$ sudo ntpq -p
Configure NTP

The Puppet Server will also act as a certificate server to provide agent authentication. For this, as well as other reasons, time should be accurate. We will start by installing the NTP time server.

sudo hostnamectl set-hostname puppet.example.vm  
ip addr show
sudo vim /etc/hosts
Configuring Hostname

We also need to make sure the correct hostname will be stored on the server’s certificate and that the server can resolve this name. This can be with DNS or the local hosts file.

Configuring NTP and Hostname

Download PE

Puppet Enterprise can be downloaded for 64 bit versions of Red Hat, SUSE and Ubuntu systems from: https://puppet.com/download-puppet-enterprise

#tar -xzvf puppet-enterprise-2016.2.1-el7-x86_64.tar.gz
#cd puppet-enterprise-2016.2.1-el7-x86_64
Installing Puppet Enterprise

You will need to expand the downloaded archive file and the installation program executed. The installer will prompt for a guided install or text install. The guided install will start the web installation on port 3000.

In this module we have configured the hostname of the Puppet Server and NTP before downloading and installing Puppet Enterprise

Installation is for 64 bit versions of SUSE, Ubuntu or Red Hat

The guided install uses HTTPS and port 3000

Next up: Investigating the Dashboard

Investigating the Dashboard


  • Accessing the Dashboard or Puppet Enterprise Console
  • Licensing PE
  • Managing Access Rights and Users
  • Accessing the Configuration Area
  • Managing Nodes

Puppet Enterprise Console

The Puppet Enterprise Console or what is often just referred to as the Dashboard allows for web based administration of Puppet without the need of third party tools like Foreman.

From the License Node you may see what licenses are in use

After the install you will see that you have 9 licenses available as 1 is in use by the server itself

Purchased licenses can be added here

When you first login you will need to use the Admin account created during the install

Moving to the Access Control Node you can manage users and connect to external directories

You may consider adding an additional user account that also belongs to the Administrators group and possible change the Admin account name

From the Configuration Node you can view the state of the nodes on your Network

Moving to Reports area we can see a history of events for a given node

This makes use of the Puppet DB which is part of Puppet Enterprise

From the Nodes area can view each node

Moving to the Inventory sub-node we can see a history of events for a given node and facts from the node.

From the top of this page we can run the Puppet Agent on the remote node using Puppet Orchestrator

The Certificate Server can be managed from the sub-node Unsigned Certificates

Investigate the Dashboard

Puppet Enterprise Console

In this module we have reviewed the Dashboard or Enterprise Console at a high-level. We will be using this more as we progress through the course.

Next up : Installing the Agent

Installing the Agent


  • Configuring Time and Name Resolution on the Agent Systems
  • Installing the Agent on CentOS 7
  • Signing the Certificate in the Dashboard
  • Adding the Ubuntu Puppet Agent to the Server and Installing on the Agent
  • Signing the Certificate from the Command Line

Puppet Enterprise

We now have our Puppet Server running and functional. We have a CentOS 7 and Ubuntu 14.04 host that we need to install the agent on. The agent can be installed directly from the Server without the need of adding in the Puppet 4 repositories to the clients.

The agent systems need the same accurate time as the Puppet Server and they too, need to be able to resolve the server’s host name

sudo apt-get install ntp

Installing on Ubuntu will start the time service and enable the service

sudo yum install ntp  
sudo systemctl start ntpd
sudo systemctl enable ntpd
CentOS 7

Installing the NTP Service on CentOS we have to start and enable the service

#<IP>	<FQDN>	<ALIAS> puppet.example.vm puppet	

The format of the hosts file allows for the Fully Qualified Domain Name and, optionally, one or more aliases. The FQDN follows the IP Address but before any aliases.

Configure Time and Name Resolution on the Agent Systems

curl -k \  
https://puppet.example.vm:8140/packages/current/install.bash \
| sudo bash
Installing the Agent

As the Puppet Server is also CentOS 7, in our case, we already have the agent available to install on the CentOS 7 client.

When we start the Puppet Agent on the client system the client send its public key to be signed

This allows for agents to be authorized to collect configuration settings

Using the Dashboard we can sign client requests from the Nodes tab

Install and Sign Agent on CentOS 7

For other agent system such as the Ubuntu client, we need to add the agent to the Puppet Server

Using the Dashboard we assign a Puppet Classes to the Puppet Master group for this.


sudo puppet cert list
sudo puppet cert sign centos7
Signing Certificates from the CLI

We can sign request from the Command Line of the Puppet Server

Install and Sign Agent on Ubuntu 14.04

  • Configured NTP on Ubuntu and CentOS 7 Agent Systems
  • Configured /etc/hosts on both systems using FQDN and Alias
  • Assigned Puppet Class to the Server Node
  • Installed Agent on both Client Systems
  • Sign Certificate Requests from the Dashboard and Command Line
Next up: Configuring Hiera on the Server

Configuring Hiera on the Server


  • Configure the Hiera YAML
  • Configure Hiera Backends
  • Test Hiera
Hiera YAML

The hiera configuration file is hiera.yaml and we can locate it on the server with the following command:

sudo puppet config print hiera_config
:backends: yaml
 - "nodes/%{facts.networking.hostname}“
 - "%{facts.os.family}"
 - common
 :datadir: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/hieradata

Data Backends

The data backend YAML files need to be located within the value set by the datadir key

motd::message: 'Pluralsight system‘
 - 'uk.pool.ntp.org‘
 - 'us.pool.ntp.org‘
ntp::monitor: true
ntp::ntp_local_server: ''
cd /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/manifests
sudo vi site.pp
node default {
 notify { hiera(motd::message): }
sudo puppet agent -t #on agent nodes
Testing Hiera

We can use the puppet agent command on remote systems to test this rather than puppet apply as we have been used to. To assign a resource to a node we can use the site.pp

Configure and Test Hiera

  • Editing the hiera.yaml
  • Added data backend data sources for the OSFamily and Common
  • Edited the servers site.pp to assign resource to nodes using node default
  • Tested hiera with puppet agent -t
Next up: Deploying Modules to Agents

Deploying Modules to Agents


  • Working with Node Definitions in the site.pp
  • Assigning Modules using the Dashboard

Puppet Open Source

Using the Puppet Server without the Enterprise add-ons makes the Dashboard unavailable. Node classification, or simply assigning modules and other code to nodes has to be maintained via the site.pp.

Puppet Enterprise

The site.pp becomes optional with the Puppet Enterprise Server as we can classify nodes using the Dashboard. As we have already seen, we can use the site.pp if we prefer.

File { backup => false, }
Site.pp - Without Node Definitions

If there are no node definitions in the site.pp the configuartion applies to all nodes

File { backup => false, }
node default {
notify { ‘From default’,
Site.pp - Using Node Default

If node names are used in the site.pp then all nodes must have a definition. The default node applies to all nodes. In the above configuration all nodes can still use the File resource setting.

File { backup => false, }
node default {
 notify { ‘From default’, }
node ‘centos7’ {
 notify { ‘From centos 7’, }
Site.pp - Using Node Names

Individual nodes can have their own configuration in which case they do not use the node default but still use the global settings.

File { backup => false, }  
node default {
 notify { ‘From default’, }
node /example\.vm$/{  
 notify { ‘Example’, }
Site.pp - Using Regular Expressions

Regular expressions can be used to match the certificate name. These are not quoted but delimited using the forward slash

Using the Dashboard

Navigating through to Nodes and Classification we can see nodes groups. We can assign classes to node groups. The modules containing the classes need to be installed on the Puppet Server.

Assign Modules Using the Dashboard


We saw three directories in this module.

Using the Site.pp

Global Settings affect all nodes if no node definitions exist. If node definitions do exist, global settings will affect all defined nodes.
File { backup => false }

Use the default node as a catch-all node definition if you need to define nodes.
node default { include puppet_vim }

Individual node definitions use the certificate name in quotes.
node ‘centos7’ { … }

Regular expressions can group node definitions.
node /example\.vm$/

Working with the Dashboard
  • Nodes/Classification
  • Add Group
  • hostname ~
  • Assign motd class to group
  • Parameters can be set in Dashboard or with Hiera
Next up: Roles and Profiles

Puppet Roles and Profiles


Organising Puppet Modules for Efficient Assignment

The Problem

The Problem


Profile Classes
  • Comprised of small modular element
  • Breaking applications down into Puppet Modules
  • Database, Web, Dynamic_Web, CMS


Role Classes

  • Implement profiles
  • Should not contain any logic
  • Assigned to nodes
  • How the business describes the server
cd /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production  
sudo mkdir -p modules/{profile,role}/manifests  
sudo vim modules/profile/manifests/base.pp  
include profile::base
Create Role and Profile

Roles and Profiles are just classes that appear as sub-classes to the Profile or Role module. They are created as normal but we do not need the init.pp as we never implement just the Role or Profile class.

class profile::base {
  include tree
  include rubygems
  include lint
  include puppet_vim


The role is the business implementation. For example a Content Management System Server may be assigned the cms role. Roles include profile definitions and nodes include a single role

class role::cms {
  include profile::ntp
  include profile::base
  include profile::apache
  include profile::php
  include profile::mysql
  include profile::wordpress


We still need our base modules. For use we installed these from the Puppet Forge:

  • puppet module install puppetlabs-apache
  • puppet module install puppetlabs-mysql
  • puppet module install mayflower-php

Profiles are used to group modules together based on implementation. We would have a profile that represents each element of a server application. We also can ensure that the complexity of the underlying module is simplified with the Profile:

class profile::mysql {
  class { ‘mysql::server’:
   root_password => ‘Password1’,
 include mysql::client

Roles are used as the Business Implementation of profiles. Using the profiles we have created we can further create a LAMP role. That role can be assigned to one or more nodes.

Questions !!


Thanks !!