GNU/Linux is the leading operating system on servers and other big iron systems such as mainframe computers and supercomputers. Any system administrator should know the basics of the Linux Command Line Interface (CLI). This laboratory will show you the Linux CLI step-by-step.

Follow these steps to learn by building helpful cloud resources

Introduction to the Linux Command Line Interface (CLI)

Learn what a shell is and a terminal emulator.

Log In to the Amazon Web Service Console

Your first step to start the laboratory experience

Create an EC2 instance

Launch a new EC2 instance using the management console wizard

Convert a PEM key to a PPK key

Learn how to generate a PPK (PuTTY key) using the AWS PEM key

Connect to a remote shell using an SSH connection

How to use a remote Linux shell from Windows, Linux or Mac

Move between directories and list file content

How to use pwd, ls, cd, cat and tail commands

Manage files and their permissions

Learm how to use cp, mv, rm, mkdir, chmod and chown commands

Monitor and manage processes

How to use top, free, uptime and df commands.

Terminate an EC2 instance

How to destroy an EC2 instance