Jenkins Vs Teamcity Vs Bamboo

Jenkins Bamboo TeamCity
Built-in Git branching workflows With Plugins
Built-in deployment Projects With Plugins
Built-in JIRA Software integration With Plugins
Built-in Bitbucket Server integration With Plugins
Test Automation
Easy Enterprise-grade permissions


So, you’re getting ready to install a continuous integration (CI) server for a .NET project, you’ve done your research and now you want to know:  Which is better for .NET software development, TeamCity or Jenkins?

Let’s start at the beginning…

The CI Server

At the heart of CI is the tool and technology of the CI server.  The CI server is an application, usually running in the background as a Window service, which initiates, executes, and reports on all the processes of the CI lifecycle.

The CI server provides key capabilities such as:

There are many CI servers available, however, TeamCity and Jenkins are two widely-used CI servers, both of which are worth evaluating.

Quick Intro


Bamboo vs JetBrains TeamCity

TeamCity vs Jenkins for Continuous Integration

Jenkins Vs Bamboo