We can get the first element of an array by the function current();
$arr = array('name'=>'angel','age'=>'23','city'=>'delhi','profession'=>'php developer');
$firstvalue = current($arr);
OUTPUT : angel
echo "The value of a is ".$a." and b is ".$b;
echo " before swapping. ";
echo "The value of a is ".$a." and b is ".$b;
echo " After swapping ";
OUTPUT: The value of a is 5 and b is 10 before swapping.
The value of a is 10 and b is 5 After swapping
echo "The smallest number is ".$min;
OUTPUT: The smallest number is 5.
<title> Number of times the web page has been viited.</title>
echo "<h3>This page is accessed</h3>".$_SESSION['count'];
echo php_uname()."\n";
echo PHP_OS."\n";
if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN') {
echo 'This is a server using Windows!';
} else {
echo 'This is a server not using Windows!'."\n";
class factorial_of_a_number
protected $_n;
public function __construct($n)
if (!is_int($n))
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Not a number or missing argument');
$this->_n = $n;
public function result()
$factorial = 1;
for ($i = 1; $i <= $this->_n; $i++)
$factorial *= $i;
return $factorial;
$newfactorial = New factorial_of_a_number(5);
echo $newfactorial->result();
class user_message {
public $message = 'Hello All, I am ';
public function introduce($name)
return $this->message.$name;
$mymessage = New user_message();
echo $mymessage->introduce('Scott')."\n";
Two strings can be joined together by the use of a process called as concatenation. A dot (.) operator is used for this purpose.
$string1 = Hello;
$string2 = World;
$stringall = $string1.$string2;
echo $stringall;
There is no special way to set persistent cookies. Setting Cookies with an expiration date become persistent cookie.
setcookie( "cookieName", 'cookieValue', strtotime( '+30 days' ) );