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10 commands in .Net Core

  1. dotnet new
  2. dotnet build
  3. dotnet build-server
  4. dotnet run
  5. dotnet test
  6. dotnet publish
  7. dotnet pack
  8. dotnet sln
  9. dotnet add

How to run a single xunit C# test using dotnet test command line

I was able to run a single xunit test via the developer command prompt using this template.

dotnet test "complete_path/someTestDll.dll" --filter "Namespace.ClassName.MethodName"
You can also run this command to see a full list of tests available, to help double check that the paths and names in your command are correct.

dotnet test "complete_path/someTestDll.dll" -t

dotnet test -l:trx;LogFileName=C:\temp\TestOutput.xml
Rajesh Kumar
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