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Ansible Interview Questions and Answer – Part 11

What is the best way to allow a Docker client running in a container access to the underlying Docker host?

  • Map the root filesystem to the container.
  • You shouldn’t do this; instead, run Docker in Docker.
  • Configure the container to communicate with the Docker Host over a network socket.
  • Map /var/run/docker.sock to the container. (Ans)

Which of the following is the most efficient method of obtaining configuration data about your AWS resources and services in Ansible playbooks?

  • Use the AWS CLI to query your resources.
  • Organize your resources into CloudFormation stacks, and define stack outputs as required to meet your needs. (Ans)
  • Organize your resources into CloudFormation stacks, and refer to the resource outputs to obtain configuration data.
  • Use the AWS Console to query your resources.

Which of the following statements is true about continuous delivery?

  • You release lots of features at once.
  • You release in two-week sprints.
  • You release small changes. (Ans)
  • You always release immediately to production.

Which statement best describes a dangling image?

  • An image layer that is not the top level layer in the image
  • An image that has no running containers
  • An image whose volumes have been deleted
  • An image whose tag has been superseded by a newer image (Ans)

Which of the following can trigger the continuous delivery pipeline?

  • Automated build of the parent image of the base image for your Docker application
  • Commit to Git repository
  • Automated build of base image for your Docker application
  • All of these (Ans)

An application is not terminating gracefully when its Docker container is stopped. Why would this happen?

  • Docker needs to be configured to terminate the container gracefully.
  • Docker doesn’t support terminating containers gracefully.
  • The application needs to be configured to terminate gracefully when it receives a SIGKILL signal.
  • The application is not running as the parent process in the Docker container. (Ans)

Which strategies can be used to exchange files between a Docker Client and Docker Containers?

  • Use the docker cp command to copy files from Docker Containers to the Docker Client.
  • Use the COPY or ADD directive to copy files into a Docker image.
  • All of these (Ans)
  • Use the docker cp command to copy files to Docker Containers from the Docker Client.

What is the best way to avoid having to add sensitive AWS credentials to a Jenkins deployment job?

  • Specify the credentials as a password build parameter on each run.
  • Specify the credentials as a password build parameter with a default value.
  • Assign an EC2 IAM role to the Jenkins EC2 instance with appropriate permissions to access AWS services. (Ans)
  • Create an AWS credential profile on each Jenkins host.

Which of the following platforms is supported by Docker Machine?

  • VMWare Fusion
  • Parallels
  • All of these (Ans)
  • VirtualBox

Which of the following build triggers can Jenkins automatically manage for you?

  • GitHub (Ans)
  • None of these
  • Docker Hub
  • GitHub and Docker Hub

How can you best deal with waiting for a service dependency to fully initialize in a Docker Compose environment?

  • Make containers that rely on the service depencency sleep for 30 seconds.
  • Create your own service that probes if the service dependency has fully initialized. (Ans)
  • There is no way to deal with this currently.
  • Use the wait_for Docker Compose configuration option.

What is the registry name for Docker Hub?

  • (Ans)

What is basic use of Artifactory?

  • Binary and Package management system (Ans)
  • Source code management system
  • Configuration management system
  • Code management system

What is the JAVA path need to be set before artifactory installation?

  • JAVA_HOME (Ans)

What is the use of $ARTIFACTORY_HOME/bin/ file

  • To Start the Artifactory Services in Linux (Ans)
  • To Start the Artifactory Services in Windows
  • To Start the Artifactory Services in Mac
  • To Start the Artifactory Services in All Platforms

What is the use of $ARTIFACTORY_HOME/bin/artifactoryctl start

  • To Start the Artifactory Services in Linux as a daemon process
  • To Start the Artifactory Services in Windows as a daemon process
  • To Start the Artifactory Services in Mac as a daemon process
  • To Start the Artifactory Services in All Platforms as a daemon process (Ans)

How to access default Artifactory application over the internet browsers?

  • http://SERVER_DOMAIN:8081/artifactory (Ans)
  • http://SERVER_DOMAIN:8080/artifactory
  • http://SERVER_DOMAIN:8090/artifactory
  • http://SERVER_DOMAIN:8085/artifactory

What is the use of “Artifacts” menu in Dashboard?

  • The Artifacts module is used to browse the repositories in your system and search for artifacts using a number of different methods. (Ans)
  • The Artifacts module is used to browse the Artifacts in your system and search for artifacts using a number of different methods.
  • The Artifacts module is used to browse the Binary in your system and search for artifacts using a number of different methods.
  • The Artifacts module is used to browse the Plugins in your system and search for artifacts using a number of different methods.

What is the function of “Build” menu in Artifactory Dashboard?

  • The Build module displays the Build Browser where you can view all the CI server projects that output their builds to Artifactory. (Ans)
  • The Build module displays the Artifact Browser where you can view all the Artifact server projects that output their builds to Artifactory.
  • The Build module displays the repositories Browser where you can view all the repositories server projects that output their builds to Artifactory.
  • The Build module displays the binary Browser where you can view all the binary server projects that output their builds to Artifactory.

What is not a right repostory type is avaiable in Artifactory

  • Local
  • Remote
  • Virtual
  • Group (Ans)

What is not a right terminolgy for bintray?

  • A global distribution network (CDN)
  • Extreme throughput and redundancy for downloads
  • CI servers metadata integration (Ans)
  • Product and EULA support
Rajesh Kumar
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