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Aws Tutorials: FinOps – List of all Elasticcache cost optimization strategies

Here’s a table summarizing the cost optimization strategies for Amazon ElastiCache:

Right-Sizing InstancesSelect instance types that match workload requirements. Use smaller nodes for development and testing, scaling up for production as needed.
Delete Unused Check the usage of each cache and if not being used, Cleanup
Data TieringEnable data tiering for Redis to offload less frequently accessed data to SSD-backed storage, reducing memory costs for large datasets.
Auto-ScalingSet up auto-scaling to adjust the number of nodes automatically based on demand, ensuring payment only for required resources during peak times.
Reserved NodesPurchase Reserved Instances for long-term and predictable workloads to save significantly compared to On-Demand pricing.
Optimize Data UsageUse the EXPIRE command in Redis for data expiration, and choose appropriate eviction policies like volatile-lru to manage memory usage efficiently.
Monitor and OptimizeUtilize Amazon CloudWatch for monitoring performance metrics to identify and remove underutilized nodes, and analyze usage patterns to optimize configurations.
Optimize Network UsageEnable data compression to improve network efficiency by reducing data transfer volumes and latency.
AWS Savings PlansConsider AWS Savings Plans for flexible pricing across AWS services, offering cost savings similar to Reserved Instances.
Consolidate WorkloadsReduce overhead by consolidating multiple applications or workloads onto fewer clusters to minimize resource duplication.
Shard ConfigurationOptimize the number of shards in your cluster to balance performance and cost, avoiding excessive overhead from too many shards.
Spot InstancesUse Spot Instances for auxiliary tasks or in combination with other AWS services, though ElastiCache doesn’t directly support them for caching.
Review TTL SettingsRegularly review and adjust time-to-live (TTL) settings to ensure data expires appropriately, freeing up resources and reducing unnecessary cache usage.
Stop/Start Strategy (Manual Approach)Manual Stop/Start: While ElastiCache does not natively support stopping and starting clusters, you can manually delete the cluster at the end of your usage period and recreate it before your next use. However, this is complex and involves reloading data from backups each time.

Rajesh Kumar
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