What is Helm?
a) A version control system
b) A package manager for Kubernetes
c) A CI/CD tool
d) A networking protocol
Answer: b
What is the primary purpose of Helm charts?
a) Containerizing applications
b) Managing Kubernetes nodes
c) Defining Kubernetes resources as code
d) Managing Docker images
Answer: c
Which command is used to create a new Helm chart?
a) helm new
b) helm create
c) helm generate
d) helm init
Answer: b
Which Helm component manages the deployment of charts onto a Kubernetes cluster?
a) Helm Chart Server
b) Helm Chart Builder
c) Helm Chart Repository
d) Helm Chart Manager
Answer: a
What is a Helm release?
a) A new version of Helm
b) A collection of Kubernetes resources managed as a group
c) A Git repository for Helm charts
d) A Docker container image
Answer: b
Which Helm command is used to install a chart?
a) helm apply
b) helm deploy
c) helm install
d) helm create
Answer: c
What is a Helm value file used for?
a) Storing Kubernetes secrets
b) Specifying custom configuration values for a chart
c) Defining Kubernetes resource quotas
d) Creating a backup of a Helm release
Answer: b
Which command is used to list installed Helm releases?
a) helm status
b) helm list
c) helm info
d) helm describe
Answer: b
What is Tiller in the context of Helm?
a) A built-in Kubernetes resource
b) A command-line utility
c) The Helm client
d) A server-side component for managing releases
Answer: d
Which Helm command is used to upgrade an existing release?
a) helm replace
b) helm modify
c) helm upgrade
d) helm update
Answer: c
What is the purpose of a Helm chart’s templates/ directory?
a) To store static files for the application
b) To define the structure of the chart
c) To store configuration files for Kubernetes resources
d) To define subcharts
Answer: c
What is the values.yaml file used for in a Helm chart?
a) To store Kubernetes secrets
b) To define environment variables
c) To specify default configuration values
d) To define subcharts
Answer: c
What is the purpose of a Helm chart’s Chart.yaml file?
a) To define environment variables
b) To list installed charts
c) To specify dependencies
d) To provide metadata about the chart
Answer: d
Which Helm command is used to delete a release?
a) helm delete
b) helm remove
c) helm purge
d) helm uninstall
Answer: c
What is a Helm repository?
a) A Kubernetes namespace
b) A centralized storage for Helm charts
c) A container registry
d) A DNS service for Kubernetes
Answer: b
Which Helm command is used to package a chart into a distributable archive?
a) helm compress
b) helm tar
c) helm package
d) helm archive
Answer: c
What is a Helm release name?
a) The version number of the Helm chart
b) The name of the Kubernetes namespace
c) A unique identifier for an installed chart
d) A name assigned to a Docker image
Answer: c
What is the purpose of the Helm CLI plugin system?
a) To allow Helm to run on non-Kubernetes platforms
b) To integrate with version control systems
c) To extend the functionality of Helm with custom commands
d) To manage network policies in Kubernetes
Answer: c
Which Helm command is used to roll back a release to a previous version?
a) helm revert
b) helm rollback
c) helm undo
d) helm back
Answer: b
What is the Helm ecosystem’s package manager called?
a) Helm Hub
b) Helm Depot
c) Helm Forge
d) Helm Hub
Answer: a
Which YAML file is typically used to define custom templates in a Helm chart?
a) custom-templates.yaml
b) templates.yaml
c) values.yaml
d) custom.yaml
Answer: b
What is the Helm plugin that enables sharing common configuration across charts?
a) Helm Chart Starter
b) Helm Chart Base
c) Helm Chart Shared
d) Helm Chart Common
Answer: b
What is a subchart in Helm?
a) A separate Kubernetes cluster
b) A secondary Helm chart nested within another chart
c) A template file for custom Kubernetes resources
d) A Kubernetes service type
Answer: b
Which Helm command is used to inspect the details of a chart?
a) helm inspect
b) helm show
c) helm describe
d) helm info
Answer: b
What is the purpose of the requirements.yaml file in a Helm chart?
a) To specify which values should be overridden
b) To define the Kubernetes resources
c) To list the chart’s dependencies
d) To provide metadata about the chart
Answer: c
What is the Helm feature that allows specifying alternative values for chart configurations?
a) Helm Overrides
b) Helm Customizations
c) Helm Modifiers
d) Helm Values
Answer: d
Which Helm command is used to inspect the contents of a chart archive?
a) helm open
b) helm read
c) helm list
d) helm show
Answer: d
What is the purpose of the .helmignore file in a Helm chart directory?
a) To exclude certain files from being packaged in the chart
b) To specify global Helm settings
c) To provide metadata about the chart
d) To configure subcharts
Answer: a
What is the Helm plugin that helps in testing Helm charts in a local environment?
a) Helm Test
b) Helm Validate
c) Helm Verify
d) Helm Lint
Answer: d
What is the purpose of Helm’s configmap and secret templates in the templates/ directory?
a) To define custom resources for Kubernetes
b) To create ConfigMaps and Secrets for the application
c) To store Helm chart configuration
d) To define ingress rules
Answer: b
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