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Best WordPress Plugins in 2019

Today, we are going to discuss about wordpress best plugins for multiple features like syntax highlighter and youtube videos gallery etc.

These plugins will help us to improvise the blog features and look. so it is very important to any WordPress bloggers. these days WordPress bloggers using these types of plugin for his wordpress site.

Best Syntax Highlighter WordPress Plugins

  1. Crayon Syntax Highlighter

    Crayon Syntax Highlighter is probably one of the trending used syntax highlighter WordPress plugins which supports multiple languages, themes. It is equally compatible with visual & HTML editor.
    • Toggled plain code
    • Toggled line numbers
    • Copy/paste code
    • Open code in a new window (popup)
    • Line wrapping
    • Code expanding
    • bbPress 2 support

Best Related Post WordPress Plugins

Recent Posts Widget Extended

This plugin will enable a custom, flexible and super advanced recent posts, you can display it via shortcode or widget.

  • Taxonomy support
  • Post status option
  • Better image cropping
  • Allow you to set title url
  • Display post date

WordPress Popular Posts

WordPress Popular Post

WordPress Popular Posts is a highly customizable widget that displays your most popular posts. It will also show how your popular posts are doing directly from your admin area.

Features :

  • Multi-widget capable
  • Time Range
  • Custom Post-type support
  • Thumbnails
  • Sorting options
  • Disqus support
  • Template tags

Contextual Related Posts

Contexual Related Posts

Contextual Related Posts is the best plugin for WordPress that gives you to display a list of related posts on your website and in your feed. It supports for thumbnails, shortcodes, widgets, custom post types, and CSS styles. 


  • Caching
  • Widgets
  • Shortcode
  • Custom post types
  • Thumbnail support

Yet Another Related Posts Plugin (YARPP)


Yet Another Related Posts Plugin (YARPP) displays pages, posts, and custom post types related to the current entry.


  • Thumbnail or list view
  • Related posts
  • Custom post types
  • Templating

Inline Related Posts

Inline Related Posts

It is the best plugin which is developed by IntellyWP . This plugins introduced some cool features like related posts boxesAutomatically detect line breaksChoose over 20+ combinations of style.

Best Social Media Sharing Plugins for WordPress

WordPress Social Share Buttons & Analytics Plugin –


With the help of this plugin, you can attach beautiful share buttons on your site for over 30+ social networks. This plugin will help yours users to easily share an article and post over social media easily.


  • Horizontal + Floating Share and Follow Buttons
  • Native Social Sharing Buttons
  • Reaction Buttons
  • Welcome Bar
  • Hello Buddy, the Smart Pop-up

Best Social Media Sharing Plugins for WordPress

WordPress Social Share Buttons & Analytics Plugin –


With the help of this plugin, you can attach beautiful share buttons on your site for over 30+ social networks. This plugin will help yours users to easily share an article and post over social media easily.


  • Horizontal + Floating Share and Follow Buttons
  • Native Social Sharing Buttons
  • Reaction Buttons
  • Welcome Bar
  • Hello Buddy, the Smart Pop-up

Sassy Social Share

Sassy Social Share

Sassy Social Share provides your website users to share the content over Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Whatsapp, Tumblr, Pinterest, Reddit and over 100 more social sharing and bookmarking services.


  • Social Media follow icons
  • Compatible with Gutenberg editor
  • Enable/Disable Social Sharing on individual pages/posts

Best Youtube Video Gallery Plugins for WordPress

Video Gallery – YouTube Playlist, Channel Gallery by YotuWP

YotuWP is your solution for embedding videos YouTube on your website. YotuWP is modern and mobile responsive video gallery.


  • Easy to embed playlist/ channel videos to WordPress post/page
  • Custom layout for display videos
  • Video gallery responsive
  • Player with a large frame on top
  • Player responsive

I am recently read some article on WordPress plugins so it is my research on some best plugins for WordPress blogger. so keep in touch for a future awesome post by us that will help you to increase your site reach by best plugins.

Chandan Kumar
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