composer create-project –prefer-dist laravel/laravel captcha “5.8.*”
Step:2 we have to add mews Captcha package.
composer require mews/captcha
Step:3 open config/app.php file and add service provider and alias.
Step:4 routes/web.php paste this code in the web.php page
Step:5 make one controller
php artisan make: controller CaptchaController
and paste this code in this controller.
Step:6 make one blade page.
Step:7 write this code in commad
php artisan serve
Step:8 paste this url in your browser
Finally, we will see a page like this. is your go-to platform for adventure and exploration. Rent premium bikes for epic journeys or simple scooters for your daily errands—all with the advantage of affordability and ease.