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DAST: A Security Testing Tool for Mobile Devices

Smartphones are now a vital component of our routine. We use them to communicate with friends and relatives, keep up with the news, buy things, and do a variety of other tasks. Because mobile devices are so important, it is essential that we keep them safe from hackers and other online threats. One method to accomplish this is by using a security testing tool like DAST. DAST can help you identify vulnerabilities in your mobile device security system and fix them before they can be exploited by hackers. In this post, we will discuss how Dynamic Application Security Testing works and how you can use it to secure your mobile devices.

Security Testing Tools Available For Mobile Devices?

There are many security testing tools available for mobile devices. The most popular ones are DAST, SAST, and IAST. Each of these tools has its own set of advantages and disadvantages, so you’ll have to pick one based on your specific demands.

DAST: A Security Testing Tool For Mobile Devices?

DAST is a security testing tool that can be used to test the security of mobile devices. It works by simulating an attack on your device in order to identify vulnerabilities in your security system. DAST can be used to test both web applications and mobile apps.

What are the steps for DAST security testing in mobile phones?

The steps for using DAST to test mobile apps are as follows:

  • Download the latest version of DAST from the official website.
  • Install DAST on your computer.
  • Launch DAST and select the “Mobile App” option.
  • Enter the URL of the mobile app you want to test.
  • Click the “Start Scanning” button.

Going into greater detail, the first step of a DAST security test is to download and install the latest version of DAST from their website. Then launch the program on your computer or server with administrator privileges so that it can run scans. You will need an IP address (Internet Protocol) that identifies devices within networks; these are usually provided by ISPs like Comcast Xfinity or Verizon Wireless but sometimes they’ll come already assigned if you’re using public WiFi hotspots at coffee shops etcetera when connecting online over cellular data plans instead. This information may also be found under Settings > About Phone > Status/Network tab depending on which Android OS version you have installed.

When attempting to access a website using DAST, you will see an alert that says “This page can’t be displayed”. This means there is no server at the address requested. The next step in the process would be inputting either IP addresses found on Google search results or manually entering one from our network connection settings (WiFi) if you’re lucky enough to have it assigned already such as 192.168..0/24 etcetera then document any additional information necessary like ports 8080/8081 etcetera before starting another scan with these values changed accordingly so they match what’s being shown by other websites online when running their own security tests against similar targets.

If we succeed at getting through these errors then our next step would be to enter the URL of your mobile app into a browser window and click on the “Start Scanning” button. This scan will take some time, so please be patient while it finishes!

When you’re ready to view a report on the findings, simply click the “View Report” button; once again please be patient while it finishes!” If all else fails, call your software penetration testing provider for assistance with this.

The results of a DAST scan can help you identify and fix vulnerabilities in your mobile device security system before they can be exploited by hackers! So, if you are concerned about the security of your mobile devices, we recommend using DAST as part of your security testing arsenal!

Pros And Cons Of Doing DAST in Mobiles

There are several pros and cons of doing DAST in mobiles. Some of the pros include:

  • DAST can help you identify and fix vulnerabilities in your mobile device security system before they can be exploited by hackers.
  • It’s really simple to get started with DAST.
  • The results of a DAST scan can help you improve the security of your mobile devices.

Some of the cons include:

  • DAST can be time-consuming.
  • You need administrator privileges to run it.
  • Not all mobile apps are supported by DAST.

So, should you use DAST for security testing on mobile phones? The answer depends on your specific needs and what you are trying to achieve. If you want to identify vulnerabilities in your mobile device security system before they can be exploited by hackers, then yes – it is worth considering using DAST as part of your security testing arsenal!


We hope you enjoyed reading through our blog post and learned something new about what a security testing tool is available for mobile devices. If this blog post has helped answer any questions on how the pros and cons of doing DAST affect whether or not one should use this tool for their own needs, feel free to share it with other people who might need help finding answers too!

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