rajeshkumar created the topic: Delete line from string using perl
Delete line from string using perl
Delete entry from array based on custom duplicate value.
How to delete lines that match certain pattern
$info = ”
This is Rajesh
This is Ram
This is test
This is Raju
Some solutions which i found on net but none of them seems working.
if($line =~ /MatchText/){
$line =~ s/ReplaceMe/REPLACED/gi;
perl -ni -e 'print unless /pattern/' /path/to/filename
$ cat /path/to/file | perl -e 'while(<>){ if( /pattern/ ) { $linecount++; } else { print "$_"; } } print STDERR "Deleted $linecount lines.\n"' > /path/to/newfile
$_ = "$delete"; #readin file content into standard variable
s/pattern//g; #pattern will get replaced by nothing globally
$delete = $_; #new file content back into old file
sed -e '/Bob/d' -e '/Mary/d'
Rajesh Kumar
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