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Dynatrace Tutorials: Oneagent Command line & Configuration

Dynatrace Oneagent configuration file location

The location of the Dynatrace OneAgent configuration file can vary depending on the operating system and installation method. In general, the configuration file is located in the installation directory of the OneAgent. Here are some common locations:

  • Linux: /opt/dynatrace/oneagent/agent/config.yaml
  • Windows: C:\Program Files\dynatrace\oneagent\agent\config.yaml
  • macOS: /Library/Application Support/dynatrace/oneagent/agent/config.yaml

OneAgent important configuration options

The configuration file contains various settings that control the behavior of the OneAgent, including the following important configurations:

  1. tenant: This configuration specifies the URL of the Dynatrace tenant that the OneAgent should connect to.
  2. token: This configuration specifies the authentication token that the OneAgent should use to connect to the Dynatrace tenant.
  3. loglevel: This configuration sets the logging level for the OneAgent, which controls the amount of detail that is logged.
  4. networkzone: This configuration specifies the network zone that the OneAgent should use to monitor network traffic.
  5. process: This configuration enables or disables process monitoring.
  6. database: This configuration enables or disables database monitoring.
  7. java: This configuration enables or disables Java monitoring.
  8. nginx: This configuration enables or disables NGINX monitoring.
  9. docker: This configuration enables or disables Docker container monitoring.

Oneagent Command line options

Dynatrace OneAgent provides a command-line interface (CLI) that you can use to perform various tasks related to monitoring and troubleshooting. Here are some of the common CLI commands:

  1. ./oneagentctl --version: This command displays the version number of the OneAgent that is installed on the system.
  2. ./oneagentctl --status: This command displays the status of the OneAgent, including whether it is running, enabled, and connected to the Dynatrace server.
  3. ./oneagentctl --restart: This command restarts the OneAgent service.
  4. ./oneagentctl --send-test-events: This command sends test events to the Dynatrace server to test the connectivity between the OneAgent and the server.
  5. ./oneagentctl --get-agent-config: This command retrieves the configuration of the OneAgent, including settings related to monitoring and data collection.
  6. ./oneagentctl --set-agent-config: This command allows you to set or modify the configuration of the OneAgent.
  7. ./oneagentctl --send-problem-notification: This command sends a problem notification to the Dynatrace server, alerting you to any issues that may require attention.
  8. ./oneagentctl --send-custom-network-zone: This command sends a custom network zone to the Dynatrace server, allowing you to define custom zones for network traffic.
  9. ./oneagentctl --list-services: This command lists all services that are currently monitored by the OneAgent.
Rajesh Kumar
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