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Elastic Assignment & Excercise


  • What is the Elastic Stack?
  • Explain what is Elasticsearch
  • What is Logstash?
  • Explain what beats are
  • What is Kibana?
  • Describe what happens from the moment an app logged some information until it’s displayed to the user in a dashboard when the Elastic stack is used


  • What is a data node?
  • What is a master node?
  • What is an ingest node?
  • What is Coordinating node?
  • How data is stored in elasticsearch?
  • What is an Index?
  • Explain Shards
  • What is an Inverted Index?
  • What is a Document?
  • You check the health of your elasticsearch cluster and it’s red. What does it mean? What can cause the status to be yellow instead of green?
  • True or False? Elasticsearch indexes all data in every field and each indexed field has the same data structure for unified and quick query – ability
  • What reserved fields a document has?
  • Explain Mapping
  • What are the advantages of defining your own mapping? (or: when would you use your own mapping?)
  • Explain Replicas
  • Can you explain Term Frequency & Document Frequency?
  • You check “Current Phase” under “Index lifecycle management” and you see it’s set to “hot”. What does it mean?
  • What this command does? curl -X PUT “localhost:9200/customer/_doc/1?pretty” -H ‘Content-Type: application/json’ -d'{ “name”: “John Doe” }’
  • What will happen if you run the previous command twice? What about running it 100 times?
  • What is the Bulk API? What would you use it for?
  • Query DSL
  • Explain Elasticsearch query syntax (Booleans, Fields, Ranges)
  • Explain what is Relevance Score
  • Explain Query Context and Filter Context
  • Describe how would an architecture of production environment with large amounts of data would be different from a small-scale environment


  • What are Logstash plugins? What plugins types are there?
    What is grok?
  • How grok works?
  • What grok patterns are you familiar with?
  • What is _grokparsefailure?
  • How do you test or debug grok patterns?
  • What are Logstash Codecs? What codecs are there?


  • What can you find under “Discover” in Kibana?
  • You see in Kibana, after clicking on Discover, “561 hits”. What does it mean?
  • What can you find under “Visualize”?
  • What visualization types are supported/included in Kibana?
  • What visualization type would you use for statistical outliers
  • Describe in detail how do you create a dashboard in Kibana


  • What is Filebeat?
  • If one is using ELK, is it a must to also use filebeat? In what scenarios it’s useful to use filebeat?-
  • What is a harvester?
  • True or False? a single harvester harvest multiple files, according to the limits set in filebeat.yml
  • What are filebeat modules?

Elastic Stack

  • How do you secure an Elastic Stack?
Rajesh Kumar
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