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Git Interview Questions and Answer Part – 9

Which section of GitHub can you use to track tasks? (Not Include in Questions)*

  • Issues (Ans)
  • Pages
  • Pages
  • Pages
  • Work Items

Which operation in GitHub for Windows will automatically commit a new change to your local repository that does the opposite changes of a previous commit, effectively eliminating a previous commit?

  • roll back
  • undo
  • revert (Ans)
  • reverse

Which of these can you change in your GitHub for Windows Options window?

  • default diff viewer
  • push behavior
  • default storage directory (Ans)
  • default repository name
  • sync refresh timing

Which operation will combine two branches by changing the order of the commits such that one branch now appears to have happened after the other?

  • Combine
  • Merge
  • Reconstitute
  • Rebase (Ans)

What happens if you are viewing a GitHub repository in your browser and drag the URL directly into the GitHub for Windows application?

  • It creates a fork of the repository in GitHub.
  • A bookmark is stored in GitHub for Windows.
  • A zip file of the repository is downloaded.
  • The repository is cloned and tracked locally. (Ans)

Which of these was NOT mentioned as a common rule for rebasing?

  • Never Rebase after Fetching a Branch (Ans)
  • Never Rebase after Commits use your Branch
  • Never Rebase after Pushing a Branch
  • Never Rebase after Pulling someone else’s Branch

What does forking a repository let you do?

  • Have your own copy of the repository to modify. (Ans)
  • Keep track of a repository that you’re interested in.
  • Stop future changes from being made to that repository.

When tracking down the problem with an open issue, what option did I show that the resolver can use to communicate with the creator of the open issue?

  • Email the user from their profile.
  • Comment on the issue itself. (Ans)
  • Send a git message to the user.

What is the name of GitHub’s native GUI application?

  • GitUI
  • GitHub for Windows (Ans)
  • GitX
  • GitHub

Which command can be used to get your stashed changes back?

  • git stash get
  • git stash pull
  • git stash pop (Ans)
  • git stash

How do you associate a TFS Work Item to a Git commit?

  • From Team Explorer, add the Work Item under the Related Work Items section
  • From Command-line, add the Work Item ID to the commit message, with a hashtag in front of it
  • From Team Explorer, add the Work Item ID to the commit message with a hashtag in front of it
  • All of the above (Ans)

What are the qualities of a good commit that together make up the acronym ACID?

  • Atomic, compact, irreversible and durable
  • Atomic, consistent, incremental and documented (Ans)
  • Additional, concise, isolated and documented
  • Atomic, consistent, isolated and durable

What does the two-dot notation, A..B mean when used with git log?

  • It includes all the commits reachable from B, but not from A. (Ans)
  • It includes all the commits reachable from A, but not from B.
  • It includes all the commits reachable from both A or B.
  • It includes all the commits reachable from either A or B.

What does the three-dot notation, A…B, mean when used with git log?

  • It includes all the commits reachable from either A or B.
  • It includes all the commits reachable from both A and B.
  • It includes all the commits reachable from either A or B, but not both. (Ans)
  • It includes all the commits reachable from neither A nor B.

What is the difference between the –mixed and –soft options of git reset?

  • –mixed modifies both the index and the working directory, while –soft modifies only the index.
  • –mixed modifies only the working directory, while –soft modifies only the index.
  • –mixed modifies only the index, while –soft doesn’t modify anything. (Ans)
  • –mixed modifies only the working directory, while –soft doesn’t modify anything.

Git Source Control Provider only works with Visual Studio 2010.

  • True
  • False (Ans)

Git creates a separate folder for each branch that you create.

  • True (Ans)
  • False

Git Tutorials | Github Tutorials | Git using Github Crash Course

Rajesh Kumar
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