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Git Tutorials: Merge code between multiple repos

It is something you can do locally though, from your machine, the following way:

1. Assume you have repos and, and you want to merge code from repo-2 to repo-1

Navigate to your local clone of repo-1

2. Add the second repo as a remote with a command like the following (I’m adding the SSHL URL; if you don’t use SSH, you can replace with the HTTPS URL:

git remote add second_remote


git fetch --all

3. Then create (in repo-1) a branch that tracks the remote branch from repo-2 you want to merge, named e.g. feature2-branch

git checkout -b feature2-branch --track second_remote/feature2-branch

4. If you wang to merge that to master branch of repo-1, then you can do

git merge master --allow-unrelated-histories

The –allow-unrelated-histories will be necessary if the repos have no common history, otherwise Git will refuse to make the merge.

Rajesh Kumar
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