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Helm Lab – 1: Configure Kubernetes – Install Helm – Deploy Chart

Step 1 – create one ubuntu 20.x in aws

Software Image (AMI) - Canonical, Ubuntu, 20.04 LTS,ami-0261755bbcb8c4a84
Virtual server type (instance type) - t2.large
Firewall (security group)  - default
Storage (volumes) - 1 volume(s) - 30 GiB

Step 2 – Setting up a K8 Cluster

        Workstation - kubectl
            1 Server

    1  git clone https://github.com/certifications-tutorials/cks-course-environment/
    2  ls
    3  cd cks-course-environment
    4  ls
    5  cd cluster-setup
    6  ls
    7  clear
    8  ls
    9  cd latest
   10  ;s
   11  ls
   12  chmod 755 install_master.sh
   13  ./install_master.sh
   14  clear
   15  kubectl get nodes
   16  history

Make master as Worker
kubectl taint node ip-172-31-94-14 node-role.kubernetes.io/master:NoSchedule-
- plz change ip-172-31-94-14

Step 3 – Install Helm

- https://www.devopsschool.com/blog/helm-tutorials-how-to-install-helm/
- https://helm.sh/docs/intro/install/

Step 4 – Deploy one chart

            - Install a chart
            - uninstall a chart

   37  kubectl get pods
   38  helm repo list
   39  helm repo -h
   40  helm repo list
   41  helm repo add bitnami https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami
   42  helm repo list
   43  helm install my-nginx bitnami/nginx --version 15.0.2
   44  kubectl get all
   45  kubectl list
   46  helm list
   47  helm -h
   48  helm uninstall -h
   49  helm list
   50  helm un my-nginx
   51  kubectl get all
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