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Help in copy files from list using ant

scmuser created the topic: Help in copy files from list using ant
Help in copy files from list using ant


I have one file called list.txt where i have mentioned all the files which need to be copied from specific directry.

can you please help me with the right copy task syntax which read the files name from list.txt and copy to destination directory???

tpatil replied the topic: Re:Help in copy files from list using ant
You can “for” loop in build to achieve this

Copying File @{val}

rajeshkumar replied the topic: Re:Help in copy files from list using ant
I would recommend following command for same…

Rajesh Kumar
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scmuser replied the topic: Re:Help in copy files from list using ant

amitanand123 replied the topic: Re:Help in copy files from list using ant

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