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How to Create a Custom Page of Custom Theme in WordPress? Part-6

How to Create a Custom Page of Custom Theme in WordPress?

Why to use Custom Page?

Customized page templates allow you to individualize any part of your WordPress site without affecting the rest of it. WordPress uses page.php to provide the content of all pages on your website.

By default, when we create dynamic or static pages in WordPress; thereafter it will search page.php file to open that pages.

Now, let’s see what will be the first step to create a custom page of the custom theme.

  1. Create a file named of page.php in customtheme folder.

2. As we know that get_header(); and get_footer(); methods are used to include its file to that file which we are using. i.e., page.php file. if(have_posts()):while(have_posts()): the_post(); The loop is PHP code use by WordPress to display posts. The the_title(); and the_content(); are methods for accessing the page of its title and content.

3. Whenever we create the pages’ title and its content through administer panel of WordPress, it saves in our created database. If you forget its database name, just open with C:\xampp\htdocs\wordpress\wp_config.php file notepad.

4. Just click your database->wp_posts

5. Click the left side of the panel of pages->add a new page and write your custom page title and content.

6. Click the Custom Theme which is active ->customize->open HomePage Setting-> check a static page -> choose your custom page from homepage dropdown.

7. By using the the_permalink(); method: Automatically link that custom page.

Permalinks are the permanent URLs to your individual weblog pages, posts, as well as categories and other lists of weblog postings. 
