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How to read properties file using perl

scmuser created the topic: How to read properties file using perl


i would like to read properties file using perl…Any sample code or any example?

My properties file is as such …

variable1 = value
variable2 = value

tpatil replied the topic: Re: How to read properties file using perl

Hope this helps….

#! /usr/bin/perl -w
use Getopt::Long;
use strict;

my $inputFile = "test.properties";

# Get the variables passed from property file
my @parmList = &read_parameters;

# populate hash map
%parameters = @parmList;

#print the property1 value from test.properties
print "$parameters{"property1"}"\n"

#Subroutine to read the values
sub read_parameters {

# my $importFile = $filePath . $inputFile;
my $importFile = $inputFile;
my $parameterName = '';
my $parameterValue = '';

# open the file and read the contents into an array
open(DATA, "<$importFile") or die "\n\nUnable to open input file: $!\n\n"; my @parmListTemp = ;

my @parmList = ();

foreach my $row (@parmListTemp){
chop $row;

# ignore blanks and lines that start with #
if (($row ne '') && ($row !~ /^#/)) {

# get parameters and their values and put into an array
($parameterName, $parameterValue) = split(/=/, $row);

if($debugLevel >= 3) {print "\n\n Parameter $parameterName value is $parameterValue"; };

push(@parmList, $parameterName);
push(@parmList, $parameterValue);

return @parmList;

rajeshkumar replied the topic: Re: How to read properties file using perl

Hi Tushar,

Can you please help me on this problem


Rajesh Kumar
Twitt me @ twitter.com/RajeshKumarIn

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