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How to see number of emails sent using smtp in laravel

To see the number of emails sent using SMTP in Laravel, you can look for log entries in your Laravel application’s logs that indicate email messages have been sent.

For example, you could use the following command to search for log entries containing the string “Sent Email” in the file “laravel.log”:

$ cd /opt/lampp/htdocs
$ grep -c "Sent Email" laravel.log
$ grep -r -i --include="*.log" -o "smtp" . | wc -l
$ grep -r --include="*.log" -o "" . | wc -l


  • grep searches for the specified string in the file
  • -c flag only prints the count of matching lines, rather than the lines themselves

This command will give you a count of the number of log entries containing the string “Sent Email”, which would indicate that an email was sent.

Rajesh Kumar
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