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How to Store Countries, States, Cities seed classes into the Database in Laravel PHP? (Part-3)

How to Store Countries, States, Cities seed classes into the Database in Laravel PHP

Part-1 Part- 2

Step 1. Create a City seeder file. Write down the following command as follows:

$  php artisan make:seeder CitiesTableSeeder

Step 2. Create a City model. Write down the following command as follows:

$  php artisan make:model City -m

Step 3. Add columns into Country table.

public function up()
        Schema::create('cities', function (Blueprint $table) {

Step 4. Go to Database/seeds/DatabaseSeeder file. Write down the following command as follows to add City seeder class:

public function run()

Step 5. Go to Database/seeds/CitiesTableSeeder file.

Step 6. Migrate the tables into the MySQL database.

$ php artisan migrate

Step 7. Run the seeder class file individually.

$  php artisan db:seed --class=CitiesTableSeeder

Step 8. Go to app\http\Controllers\MainController.php file. Define funcitions of City.

public function getCities($id){
        $cities= City::where('state_id',$id)->get();
        return response()->json(['cities' => $cities]);

Step 9. Then, go to routes/web.php file and define all these routes.


Step 10. Go to resources/views/welcome.blade.php file
