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Installer Types of Install Anywhere

installanywhereExpert created the topic: Installer Types of Install Anywhere
InstallAnywhere offers Web and CD-ROM installers.

Installer Modes
Web Installers are packaged into a single executable file by platform, and are
appropriate for distribution over the Web or via e-mail. They use a Self-Extractor to
prepare the source files at the start of the installation, and therefore require more
temporary disk space available.
A CD-ROM Installer already has most of the files extracted and ready to install. There
is still a Self-Extractor, but it only extracts the installer engine. Therefore, CD-ROM
installers take up less temporary space and start up faster, but they are not
appropriate for Web or electronic distribution. CD-ROM installers are also good for
distribution on DVD, and can span multiple CDs or DVDs.

installanywhereExpert replied the topic: Re: Installer Types of Install Anywhere
InstallAnywhere installers can run in three different interactive modes:

Rajesh Kumar
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