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Linux Assignment & Excercise

  1. Please write a answer for following questions and submit a answer of in form of new post and URL share in whatsapp group for your batch.
  2. Example commands can be shared at and share your public profile in whatsapp group for your batch

  1. What is EPEL and Write a instructions to install and use it.
  2. What is diffrence between hypervisor and cloud?
  3. What are the Network Adaptor(Driver) you have in VirtualBox and write a usecase of it?
  4. Find a list 10 commands and write 10 example of it and publish it to
    • grep
    • find
    • xargs
    • sed
    • chmod
    • netstat
    • route
    • record
    • vmstat
    • visudo
    • awk

Rajesh Kumar
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basffour agyapong-sebbeh
basffour agyapong-sebbeh
1 year ago

Day 3 – Linux Lab & Assignment
  Linux Assignment Part – 1
What is EPEL and Write a instructions to install and use it.
EPEL: Stand for Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux, and is a special interest group from the Fedora Project that provides a set of additional packages for RHEL, CentOS and others from the Fedora sources.
1.Instructions to install EPEL:
Open a shell prompt.
Use ssh to log in to an CentOS 8. …
Log in as root user using the su command or sudo command.
Install epel using the following command: sudo yum -y install epel-release.
Refresh repo by typing the following command: sudo yum repolist.
Install packages from epel repository using command: yum install pkg1.
2.What is diffrence between hypervisor and cloud?
Hypervisor: is a specialized firmware or software, or both, installed on single hardware that would allow you to host several virtual machines. It allows physical hardware to be shared across several virtual machines.
Cloud: is the Internet—It is all of the things you can access remotely over the Internet.
3.What are the Network Adaptor(Driver) you have in VirtualBox and write a usecase of it?
VirtualBox reports to the guest that a network card is present, but there is no connection.
Network Address Translation:-It’s a way to map multiple local private addresses to a public one before transferring the information.
NAT Network-It is type of internal network that allows outbound connections.
Bridge networking-A network bridge is a computer networking device that creates a single network from multiple communication networks.
Internal networking-Internal Networking is similar to bridged networking in that the VM can directly communicate with the outside world. However, the outside world is limited to other VMs on the same host which connect to the same internal network.
Host-only networking-Host-only networking can be thought of as a hybrid between the bridged and internal networking modes. As with bridged networking, the virtual machines can talk to each other and the host as if they were connected through a physical Ethernet switch.
4.Find a list 10 commands and write 10 example of it and publish it to
$ grep -h Laptop : searching string Laptop.
$ find ./directoryname -empty : Find empty folders reside in documents folder.
$ xargs -a file1.txt : To read the items in a file, along with the -a option.
$ sed ‘5d’ dummy.txt : Delete line 5 in the file.
$ chmod 400 filenames: Only read privileges have been assigned to an owner.
 5.   Netstat: $ netstat -l: List all the active connections.
$ sudo route: Print routing table in Linux.
$ script linuxhintlog.txt : To record everything in the terminal
$ vmstat 2 10: Reports every 2 seconds for 10 times
$ sudo visudo: opens sudoer file in terminal
$ awk -f awkcsv.awk customer.csv : Run awkcsv.awk file with the content of the customer.csv file by the following command.

basffour agyapong-sebbeh
basffour agyapong-sebbeh
1 year ago

  Linux Assignment Part – 1
What is EPEL and Write a instructions to install and use it.
EPEL: Stand for Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux, and is a special interest group from the Fedora Project that provides a set of additional packages for RHEL, CentOS and others from the Fedora sources.

1.Instructions to install EPEL:
Open a shell prompt.
Use ssh to log in to an CentOS 8. …
Log in as root user using the su command or sudo command.
Install epel using the following command: sudo yum -y install epel-release.
Refresh repo by typing the following command: sudo yum repolist.
Install packages from epel repository using command: yum install pkg1.
2.What is difference between hypervisor and cloud?
Hypervisor: is a specialized firmware or software, or both, installed on single hardware that would allow you to host several virtual machines. It allows physical hardware to be shared across several virtual machines.
Cloud: is the Internet—It is all of the things you can access remotely over the Internet.
3.What are the Network Adaptor(Driver) you have in VirtualBox and write a use case of it?
VirtualBox reports to the guest that a network card is present, but there is no connection.
Network Address Translation:-It’s a way to map multiple local private addresses to a public one before transferring the information.
NAT Network-It is type of internal network that allows outbound connections.
Bridge networking-A network bridge is a computer networking device that creates a single network from multiple communication networks.
Internal networking-Internal Networking is similar to bridged networking in that the VM can directly communicate with the outside world. However, the outside world is limited to other VMs on the same host which connect to the same internal network.
Host-only networking-Host-only networking can be thought of as a hybrid between the bridged and internal networking modes. As with bridged networking, the virtual machines can talk to each other and the host as if they were connected through a physical Ethernet switch.
4.Find a list 10 commands and write 10 example of it and publish it to
$ grep -h Laptop : searching string Laptop.
$ find ./directoryname -empty : Find empty folders reside in documents folder.
$ xargs -a file1.txt : To read the items in a file, along with the -a option.
$ sed ‘5d’ dummy.txt : Delete line 5 in the file.
$ chmod 400 filenames: Only read privileges have been assigned to an owner.
 5.   Netstat: $ netstat -l: List all the active connections.
$ sudo route: Print routing table in Linux.
$ script linuxhintlog.txt : To record everything in the terminal
$ vmstat 2 10: Reports every 2 seconds for 10 times
$ sudo visudo: opens sudoer file in terminal
$ awk -f awkcsv.awk customer.csv : Run awkcsv.awk file with the content of the customer.csv file by the following command.

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