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Main Aspects of Mathematic in Coding


Nowadays, advanced applications allow users to create simple pieces of software without any coding skills. One could build and maintain an entire website without typing a single line of code through systems such as WordPress. However, just a few decades ago, you had to be a skilled mathematician even for basic computer usage, not to mention creating a working piece of software.

Although the advancement of the digital industry allows seamless and widespread computer usage, coding is still relying on mathematics. In this article, we are going through the main aspect of mathematics required for computer programming.

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Discrete mathematics

This field of math appeared in universities strictly as a part of computer science courses in the early 80s. Discrete math deals with integers, statements, and graphs. We can say that this mathematical discipline includes countable sets. In computer science, discrete math supports machine learning, networks, functional programming, and many other aspects of software development.

College Algebra

As one of the oldest mathematical disciplines, algebra has wide practical use in numerous aspects of life. In computer programming, algebra is important for the development of computer algorithms. Computer algorithms are sets of instructions that tell the machine what to do and how to do it. In layman’s terms, algorithms are like a cooking recipe. They give us precise instructions on the ingredients we need, and how to mix them all to get the dish we want.

College algebra includes linear equations, factoring, ratios, proportions, and numerous other concepts. Apart from creating computer algorithms, algebra allows the development of numerical software solutions.

Help with math to start coding

Math is an integral part of computer studies, and every aspiring programmer needs to pass several types of math exams during college. Students often look for online help with differential equations and linear algebra since they represent the most notable aspects of math in computer science. Luckily, the online world offers a wide variety of helpful tools and platforms where students can sharpen their math skills. Without proficient math skills, it’s not reasonable to expect a bright future in computer programming.

Binary mathematics

You’ve heard the phrase that every piece of software is nothing but a string of “ones and zeros” right? This saying is widespread and popular but also, it’s true. In the heart of most digital solutions lies a string of binary numbers. Coding through “ones and zeros” is most common among hardware coding. Precisely, when programmers have to create instructions for certain pieces of hardware to operate.

Learning binary math is not difficult, there are only 0s and 1s that you have to use, which makes matters simpler than with a decimal numbers system. We can use binary code to represent every number and letter there is. This is exactly why this type of math is in the heart of computer programming. Also, this is why binary is one of the first computer languages ever used and is still in use today.


In computer programing, statistics play a vital role as it allows us to make conclusions based on different data sets. The use of statistics is vital for the development of data science-one of the latest additions to computer programming. Moreover, thanks to statistics AI technology is on a rising path along with traffic modeling, data mining, and data compression.

The latest technologies we use today, including speech recognition technology, exist thanks to the application of statistics in programming. This field of mathematics allows programmers to make sense out of chaotic and seemingly unrelated data sets. This is why this math concept is at the core of modern computer programming.


Consisting of integral and differential calculus, this field of mathematics studies rates of change. Therefore, it’s valuable for computer programming. For coders, calculus is the basis for the development of computer simulations, graphs and visualizations, problem-solving apps, and algorithm analysis. In most computer science college courses, students need to go through both integral and differential calculus courses. This goes to show the importance of calculus for computer programming.


When we go through the history of computer science, we get in touch with people such as Lady Ada Lovelace, Alan Turing, and Charles Bachman. They were essential for the development of computer technology, and they were all mathematicians.

Math is at the heart of computer science since the first lines of code. Every computer science college course is based on the mathematical disciplines we covered in this article. If you’re interested in studying computer science, it’s of utmost importance to sharpen your math skills.

Author Bio:

Jeremy Raynolds is a freelance content writer engaged with several online publishers. His work is based on deep research and relevant sources of actual information. As a writer, Jeremy aims to deliver practical pieces of information that provide benefit to his readers in their everyday lives.

Rajesh Kumar
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