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Microservices demo using AWS Lambda, Dynamo DB and API Gateway

Project blueprint of Lambda – microservice-http-endpoint

Description – simple backend (read/write to DynamoDB) with a RESTful API endpoint using Amazon API Gateway.

Make sure that Dynamo DB “raja” and token_id “Primary partition key token_id (Number)” must be exist.

POSTMAN for following script

	"httpMethod": "GET",
	"queryStringParameters": {
	"TableName": "raja"

"httpMethod": "POST",
"body": "{\"TableName\":\"raja\",\"Item\": {\"token_id\": 1,\"Token\": 33333}}"

"httpMethod": "POST",
"body": "{\"TableName\":\"raja\",\"Item\": {\"token_id\": 2,\"Token\": 33333}}"

"httpMethod": "POST",
"body": "{\"TableName\":\"raja\",\"Item\": {\"token_id\": 3,\"Token\": 33333}}"
Rajesh Kumar
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