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Newrelic Tutorials: Newrelic command to troubleshoot Agent

General Commands

New Relic is a tool used for application performance monitoring. To troubleshoot an agent in New Relic, there are several commands you can use depending on the issue you are facing. Here are some important New Relic commands that can help troubleshoot an agent:

  1. newrelic-admin – This command is used to manage the New Relic agent. You can use this command to start or stop the agent, generate a diagnostic report, or get the agent’s status.
  2. newrelic-daemon – This command is used to start the New Relic daemon. The daemon is responsible for collecting data from the agent and sending it to the New Relic servers.
  3. newrelic-diag – This command is used to generate a diagnostic report for the New Relic agent. This report contains information about the agent’s configuration, logs, and performance.
  4. newrelic-config – This command is used to manage the agent’s configuration. You can use this command to view or modify the agent’s configuration settings.
  5. newrelic-nrsysmond – This command is used to start the New Relic system monitor daemon. This daemon is used to collect system metrics like CPU usage, memory usage, and disk space.

List of NewRelic Command to work with integration

New Relic provides several commands that you can use to work with integrations. Here are some of the most commonly used New Relic commands for integration, along with examples:

  1. newrelic integrations:list – This command lists all the available integrations in your New Relic account. Example: newrelic integrations:list
  2. newrelic integrations:install – This command installs a specific integration. You will need to provide the integration name and any necessary configuration options. Example: newrelic integrations:install nri-redis -c config.yml
  3. newrelic integrations:update – This command updates an existing integration. You will need to provide the integration name and any necessary configuration options. Example: newrelic integrations:update nri-redis -c config.yml
  4. newrelic integrations:uninstall – This command uninstalls a specific integration. You will need to provide the integration name. Example: newrelic integrations:uninstall nri-redis
  5. newrelic integrations:enable – This command enables an installed integration. You will need to provide the integration name. Example: newrelic integrations:enable nri-redis
  6. newrelic integrations:disable – This command disables an installed integration. You will need to provide the integration name. Example: newrelic integrations:disable nri-redis
  7. newrelic integrations:status – This command shows the status of an installed integration. You will need to provide the integration name. Example: newrelic integrations:status nri-redis

List of example of newrelic-infra-ctl

newrelic-infra-ctl is a command-line tool for managing New Relic Infrastructure. Here are some examples of how to use newrelic-infra-ctl:

  1. newrelic-infra-ctl status – This command shows the current status of the New Relic Infrastructure agent.
  2. newrelic-infra-ctl install – This command installs the New Relic Infrastructure agent.
  3. newrelic-infra-ctl uninstall – This command uninstalls the New Relic Infrastructure agent.
  4. newrelic-infra-ctl restart – This command restarts the New Relic Infrastructure agent.
  5. newrelic-infra-ctl config validate – This command validates the configuration file for the New Relic Infrastructure agent.
  6. newrelic-infra-ctl logs – This command shows the logs for the New Relic Infrastructure agent.
  7. newrelic-infra-ctl integrations list – This command lists all the available integrations for the New Relic Infrastructure agent.
  8. newrelic-infra-ctl integrations enable – This command enables a specific integration for the New Relic Infrastructure agent.
  9. newrelic-infra-ctl integrations disable – This command disables a specific integration for the New Relic Infrastructure agent.
  10. newrelic-infra-ctl integrations update – This command updates a specific integration for the New Relic Infrastructure agent.

newrelic command line

The New Relic CLI enables users to perform tasks against the New Relic APIs

  newrelic [command]

Available Commands:
  agent         Utilities for New Relic Agents
  apiAccess     Manage New Relic API access keys
  apm           Interact with New Relic APM
  completion    Generate completion script
  config        Manage the configuration of the New Relic CLI
  decode        Decodes NR1 URL Strings
  diagnose      Troubleshoot your New Relic installation
  documentation Generate CLI documentation
  edge          Interact with New Relic Edge
  entity        Interact with New Relic entities
  events        Send custom events to New Relic
  help          Help about any command
  install       Install New Relic.
  nerdgraph     Execute GraphQL requests to the NerdGraph API
  nerdstorage   Read, write, and delete NerdStorage documents and collections.
  nrql          Commands for interacting with the New Relic Database
  profile       Manage the authentication profiles for this tool
  reporting     Commands for reporting data into New Relic
  synthetics    Interact with New Relic Synthetics
  utils         Various utility methods
  version       Show the version of the New Relic CLI
  workload      Interact with New Relic One workloads

  -a, --accountId int    the account ID to use. Can be overridden by setting NEW_RELIC_ACCOUNT_ID
      --debug            debug level logging
      --format string    output text format [JSON, Text, YAML] (default "JSON")
  -h, --help             help for newrelic
      --plain            output compact text
      --profile string   the authentication profile to use
      --trace            trace level logging
  -v, --version          version for newrelic

Use "newrelic [command] --help" for more information about a command.
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