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Octopus deploy Package Deployment Feature Ordering

When Octopus deploys packages, it runs a series of actions implementing the conventions or features enabled for that step.

The order of evaluation once the package is extracted is:

  • BeforePreDeploy.* Feature Scripts – runs matching scripts associated with any enabled features. These bootstrap scripts are created by Octopus and cannot be customized by the user.
  • PreDeploy.* Scripts – runs matching scripts included in the package or defined using the Custom PowerShell Scripts feature.
  • AfterPreDeploy.* Feature Scripts – runs matching scripts associated with any enabled features. These bootstrap scripts are created by Octopus and cannot be customized by the user.
  • Delete temporary package files
  • Substitute Octopus Variables in files- if the variable substitution feature is enabled, perform substitution in listed files.
  • XML Configuration Transforms- if the feature is enabled, find and apply matching XML transforms.
    XML Configuration Variables – if the feature is enabled, find and replace matching appSettings, applicationSettings, and connectionStrings values.
  • Custom Installation Folder copy- if the custom installation folder feature is enabled, copy files to the folder.
  • BeforeDeploy.* Feature Scripts- runs matching scripts associated with any enabled features. These bootstrap scripts are created by Octopus and cannot be customized by the user.
  • Deploy.* Scripts- runs matching scripts included in the package or defined using the Custom PowerShell Scripts feature.
  • AfterDeploy.* Feature Scripts- runs matching scripts associated with any enabled features. These bootstrap scripts are created by Octopus and cannot be customized by the user.
  • IIS Home Directory – sets the IIS web site’s home directory to the new install location, if that feature is enabled.
  • BeforePostDeploy.* Feature Scripts- runs matching scripts associated with any enabled features. These bootstrap scripts are created by Octopus and cannot be customized by the user.
  • PostDeploy.* Scripts- runs matching scripts included in the package or defined using the Custom PowerShell Scripts feature.
  • AfterPostDeploy.* Feature Scripts- runs matching scripts associated with any enabled features. These bootstrap scripts are created by Octopus and cannot be customized by the user.

If an item fails, the remaining items will not be executed, and instead DeployFailed.* Scripts will be found and executed.

Rajesh Kumar
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