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Oracle Tutorial: List of ENVIRONMENT varialble in oracle and their use cases?

Oracle uses a number of environment variables to define system parameters, paths, and other settings. Here are some commonly used environment variables in Oracle and their use cases:

  1. ORACLE_HOME: This variable specifies the location of the Oracle installation directory.
  2. ORACLE_SID: This variable defines the system identifier for the Oracle database instance.
  3. PATH: This variable specifies the directories that the operating system searches when looking for executables.
  4. LD_LIBRARY_PATH: This variable contains a list of directories that the dynamic linker searches when looking for shared libraries.
  5. NLS_LANG: This variable sets the character set and language settings for Oracle client and server processes.
  6. TNS_ADMIN: This variable specifies the location of the Oracle Net configuration files, which define network connection parameters.
  7. ORACLE_BASE: This variable defines the base directory for Oracle software installations.
  8. ORACLE_TERM: This variable specifies the terminal type that Oracle utilities and programs should use for display.
  9. TMPDIR: This variable specifies the temporary directory to be used by Oracle processes.
  10. ORACLE_UNQNAME: This variable specifies the unique name for the Oracle database instance.
Rajesh Kumar
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