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Top 20 helm interview questions with answer

  1. What is Helm?
    • A package manager for Kubernetes
    • A configuration management tool for Kubernetes
    • A container orchestration tool for Kubernetes
    • A deployment tool for Kubernetes
    • Answer: A package manager for Kubernetes
  2. What are the benefits of using Helm?
    • It makes it easy to install, upgrade, and manage Kubernetes applications.
    • It provides a consistent way to define and deploy Kubernetes applications.
    • It makes it easy to share Kubernetes applications with others.
    • It provides a way to manage dependencies between Kubernetes applications.
    • Answer: All of the above
  3. What are the different types of Helm charts?
    • Release charts
    • Tiller charts
    • Package charts
    • Tillerless charts
    • Answer: Release charts, Tiller charts, and Package charts
  4. What is a release chart?
    • A Helm chart that defines a Kubernetes application.
    • A Helm chart that defines a Tiller application.
    • A Helm chart that defines a package application.
    • A Helm chart that does not define a Kubernetes application.
    • Answer: A Helm chart that defines a Kubernetes application.
  5. What is Tiller?
    • A Helm client
    • A Helm server
    • A Helm chart
    • A Helm repository
    • Answer: A Helm server
  6. What is a Tillerless chart?
    • A Helm chart that does not use Tiller.
    • A Helm chart that uses a different server than Tiller.
    • A Helm chart that does not use a server.
    • A Helm chart that is not compatible with Tiller.
    • Answer: A Helm chart that does not use Tiller.
  7. What is a Helm repository?
    • A place to store Helm charts.
    • A place to share Helm charts.
    • A place to download Helm charts.
    • All of the above
    • Answer: All of the above
  8. What are the different ways to install Helm?
    • Using the Helm CLI
    • Using a Helm chart
    • Using a Helm repository
    • All of the above
    • Answer: All of the above
  9. What are the different ways to upgrade a Helm chart?
    • Using the Helm CLI
    • Using a Helm chart
    • Using a Helm repository
    • All of the above
    • Answer: All of the above
  10. What are the different ways to delete a Helm chart?
    • Using the Helm CLI
    • Using a Helm chart
    • Using a Helm repository
    • All of the above
    • Answer: All of the above
  11. What are the different Helm commands?
    • helm install: Installs a Helm chart.
    • helm upgrade: Upgrades a Helm chart.
    • helm delete: Deletes a Helm chart.
    • helm list: Lists all Helm charts.
    • Answer: All of the above
  12. What are the different Helm flags?
    • -f: Specifies a Helm chart file.
    • -n: Specifies a namespace.
    • -v: Enables verbose output.
    • -d: Enables debug output.
    • Answer: All of the above
  13. What are the different Helm templates?
    • Values.yaml
    • Secrets.yaml
    • ConfigMaps.yaml
    • Deployment.yaml
    • Answer: Values.yaml, Secrets.yaml, and ConfigMaps.yaml
  14. What is the difference between a Helm chart and a Helm template?
    • A Helm chart is a complete package for deploying a Kubernetes application.
    • A Helm template is a file that defines the structure of a Kubernetes application.
    • A Helm chart can be used to deploy a Kubernetes application.
    • A Helm template can be used to create a Helm chart.
    • Answer: A Helm chart is a complete package for deploying a Kubernetes application, while a Helm template is a file that defines the structure of a Kubernetes application.
  15. What are the best practices for using Helm?
    • Use a consistent naming convention for your Helm charts.
    • Use a version control system to manage your Helm charts.
    • Use Helm templates to make your Helm charts more reusable.
    • Test your Helm charts before deploying them to production.
    • Answer: All of the above
Rajesh Kumar
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