1. What is Apache Spark?
Apache Spark is an open-source distributed computing system used for big data processing.
2. What are the benefits of using Spark?
Spark is fast, flexible, and easy to use. It can handle large amounts of data and can be used with a variety of programming languages.
3. What is a RDD?
RDD stands for Resilient Distributed Dataset. It is a fundamental data structure in Spark that allows for parallel processing of data.
4. What is a DataFrame?
A DataFrame is a distributed collection of data organized into named columns. It is similar to a table in a relational database.
5. What is a Spark driver?
The Spark driver is the program that controls the execution of a Spark application.
6. What is a Spark executor?
A Spark executor is a process that runs on a worker node and performs tasks assigned by the driver.
7. What is a Spark cluster?
A Spark cluster is a group of computers that work together to process data using Spark.
8. What is a Spark job?
A Spark job is a unit of work that is submitted to a Spark cluster for processing.
9. What is a Spark task?
A Spark task is a unit of work that is performed by an executor.
10. What is a Spark transformation?
A Spark transformation is an operation that creates a new RDD from an existing one.
11. What is a Spark action?
A Spark action is an operation that triggers the computation of an RDD and returns a result to the driver.
12. What is a Spark pipeline?
A Spark pipeline is a sequence of stages that are executed in order to process data.
13. What is a Spark MLlib?
Spark MLlib is a machine learning library for Spark that provides a set of algorithms for data processing and analysis.
14. What is a Spark Streaming?
Spark Streaming is a real-time data processing framework that allows for the processing of data streams.
15. What is a Spark SQL?
Spark SQL is a module for working with structured data using SQL queries.
16. What is a Spark GraphX?
Spark GraphX is a module for working with graph data using Spark.
17. What is a Spark ML?
Spark ML is a module for working with machine learning algorithms using Spark.
18. What is a Spark RDD partition?
A Spark RDD partition is a logical division of data that is stored on a worker node.
19. What is a Spark broadcast variable?
A Spark broadcast variable is a read-only variable that is cached on each worker node for efficient access.
20. What is a Spark accumulator?
A Spark accumulator is a variable that can be used to accumulate values across multiple tasks.
21. What is a Spark checkpoint?
A Spark checkpoint is a mechanism for storing RDDs to disk to prevent recomputation in case of failure.
22. What is a Spark shuffle?
A Spark shuffle is the process of redistributing data across partitions.
23. What is a Spark cache?
A Spark cache is a mechanism for storing RDDs in memory for faster access.
24. What is a Spark persist?
A Spark persist is a mechanism for storing RDDs in memory or on disk for faster access.
25. What is a Spark serialization?
Spark serialization is the process of converting data into a format that can be transmitted over the network.
26. What is a Spark deserialization?
Spark deserialization is the process of converting data from a serialized format back into its original form.
27. What is a Spark DAG?
A Spark DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) is a representation of the stages and tasks in a Spark job.
28. What is a Spark UI?
A Spark UI is a web-based interface for monitoring the progress of a Spark job.
29. What is a Spark driver program?
A Spark driver program is the main program that controls the execution of a Spark application.
30. What is a Spark worker node?
A Spark worker node is a node in a Spark cluster that runs tasks assigned by the driver.
31. What is a Spark master node?
A Spark master node is the node in a Spark cluster that coordinates the distribution of tasks to worker nodes.
32. What is a Spark standalone mode?
Spark standalone mode is a deployment mode in which Spark runs on its own cluster manager.
33. What is a Spark YARN mode?
Spark YARN mode is a deployment mode in which Spark runs on a Hadoop YARN cluster manager.
34. What is a Spark Mesos mode?
Spark Mesos mode is a deployment mode in which Spark runs on a Mesos cluster manager.
35. What is a Spark local mode?
Spark local mode is a deployment mode in which Spark runs on a single machine.
36. What is a Spark cluster manager?
A Spark cluster manager is a system that manages the allocation of resources in a Spark cluster.
37. What is a Spark job server?
A Spark job server is a server that allows for the submission and management of Spark jobs.
38. What is a Spark SQLContext?
A Spark SQLContext is a class that allows for the execution of SQL queries on Spark data.
39. What is a Spark HiveContext?
A Spark HiveContext is a class that allows for the execution of Hive queries on Spark data.
40. What is a Spark StreamingContext?
A Spark StreamingContext is a class that allows for the processing of real-time data streams using Spark Streaming.
41. What is a Spark checkpoint directory?
A Spark checkpoint directory is a directory where RDDs are stored for fault tolerance.
42. What is a Spark event log?
A Spark event log is a log of events that occur during the execution of a Spark job.
43. What is a Spark configuration?
A Spark configuration is a set of parameters that control the behavior of a Spark application.
44. What is a Spark submit script?
A Spark submit script is a script that is used to submit a Spark job to a cluster.
45. What is a Spark job scheduler?
A Spark job scheduler is a system that schedules Spark jobs for execution.
46. What is a Spark job queue?
A Spark job queue is a queue that holds Spark jobs waiting for execution.
47. What is a Spark job priority?
A Spark job priority is a setting that determines the order in which Spark jobs are executed.
48. What is a Spark job dependency?
A Spark job dependency is a relationship between two Spark jobs where one job depends on the output of another job.
49. What is a Spark job failure?
A Spark job failure is a situation where a Spark job fails to complete successfully.
50. What is a Spark job success?
A Spark job success is a situation where a Spark job completes successfully.
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