1. What is Tekton?
Tekton is a software development company that provides tools for building and deploying cloud-native applications.
2. What programming languages does Tekton support?
Tekton supports a variety of programming languages, including Java, Python, and Go.
3. What is a Tekton pipeline?
A Tekton pipeline is a set of tasks that are executed in a specific order to build and deploy an application.
4. What is a Tekton task?
A Tekton task is a single unit of work that is executed as part of a pipeline.
5. What is a Tekton resource?
A Tekton resource is a piece of data that is used by a pipeline, such as source code or a Docker image.
6. What is a Tekton trigger?
A Tekton trigger is a way to automatically start a pipeline when a certain event occurs, such as a code commit.
7. What is a Tekton workspace?
A Tekton workspace is a directory that is used by a task to store and access files.
8. What is Tekton Dashboard?
Tekton Dashboard is a web-based interface for managing Tekton pipelines and tasks.
9. What is Tekton CLI?
Tekton CLI is a command-line interface for interacting with Tekton pipelines and tasks.
10. What is Tekton Catalog?
Tekton Catalog is a collection of reusable Tekton pipelines and tasks.
11. What is Tekton Hub?
Tekton Hub is a marketplace for sharing and discovering Tekton pipelines and tasks.
12. What is Tekton Operator?
Tekton Operator is a Kubernetes operator that manages Tekton pipelines and tasks.
13. What is Tekton Triggers Operator?
Tekton Triggers Operator is a Kubernetes operator that manages Tekton triggers.
14. What is Tekton Pipelines Operator?
Tekton Pipelines Operator is a Kubernetes operator that manages Tekton pipelines.
15. What is Tekton Dashboard Operator?
Tekton Dashboard Operator is a Kubernetes operator that manages Tekton Dashboard.
16. What is Tekton CLI Operator?
Tekton CLI Operator is a Kubernetes operator that manages Tekton CLI.
17. What is Tekton Catalog Operator?
Tekton Catalog Operator is a Kubernetes operator that manages Tekton Catalog.
18. What is Tekton Hub Operator?
Tekton Hub Operator is a Kubernetes operator that manages Tekton Hub.
19. What is Kubernetes?
Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration platform that automates the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.
20. What is a container?
A container is a lightweight, standalone executable package that contains everything needed to run an application, including code, libraries, and dependencies.
21. What is Docker?
Docker is a platform for building, shipping, and running containers.
22. What is Kubernetes YAML?
Kubernetes YAML is a configuration language used to define Kubernetes objects, such as pods, services, and deployments.
23. What is a Kubernetes pod?
A Kubernetes pod is the smallest deployable unit in Kubernetes, consisting of one or more containers that share the same network namespace and storage volumes.
24. What is a Kubernetes service?
A Kubernetes service is an abstraction that defines a logical set of pods and a policy for accessing them.
25. What is a Kubernetes deployment?
A Kubernetes deployment is a declarative way to manage the deployment of a set of replicas of a pod template.
26. What is a Kubernetes namespace?
A Kubernetes namespace is a way to divide cluster resources between multiple users or teams.
27. What is a Kubernetes label?
A Kubernetes label is a key-value pair that is attached to Kubernetes objects, such as pods, services, and deployments.
28. What is a Kubernetes annotation?
A Kubernetes annotation is a key-value pair that is attached to Kubernetes objects for metadata purposes.
29. What is a Kubernetes secret?
A Kubernetes secret is a way to store and manage sensitive information, such as passwords and API keys.
30. What is a Kubernetes config map?
A Kubernetes config map is a way to store and manage configuration data, such as environment variables and configuration files.
31. What is a Kubernetes ingress?
A Kubernetes ingress is a way to expose HTTP and HTTPS routes from outside the cluster to services within the cluster.
32. What is a Kubernetes node?
A Kubernetes node is a physical or virtual machine that runs Kubernetes components, such as kubelet, kube-proxy, and container runtime.
33. What is a Kubernetes cluster?
A Kubernetes cluster is a set of nodes that run containerized applications and Kubernetes components.
34. What is a Kubernetes master?
A Kubernetes master is a node that runs the Kubernetes control plane components, such as API server, etcd, and controller manager.
35. What is a Kubernetes worker?
A Kubernetes worker is a node that runs containerized applications and Kubernetes components, such as kubelet and kube-proxy.
36. What is a Kubernetes control plane?
A Kubernetes control plane is a set of components that manage the state of the cluster, such as API server, etcd, and controller manager.
37. What is a Kubernetes API server?
A Kubernetes API server is a component that exposes the Kubernetes API, which is used by Kubernetes components and users to interact with the cluster.
38. What is etcd?
etcd is a distributed key-value store that is used by Kubernetes to store cluster state information.
39. What is a Kubernetes controller manager?
A Kubernetes controller manager is a component that manages Kubernetes controllers, which are responsible for maintaining the desired state of Kubernetes objects.
40. What is a Kubernetes scheduler?
A Kubernetes scheduler is a component that schedules pods to run on nodes based on resource availability and other constraints.
41. What is a Kubernetes kubelet?
A Kubernetes kubelet is a component that runs on each node and is responsible for managing the state of pods.
42. What is a Kubernetes kube-proxy?
A Kubernetes kube-proxy is a component that runs on each node and is responsible for managing network connectivity to services.
43. What is a Kubernetes container runtime?
A Kubernetes container runtime is a component that runs containers, such as Docker or containerd.
44. What is a Kubernetes admission controller?
A Kubernetes admission controller is a component that intercepts requests to the Kubernetes API server and can modify or reject them based on policy.
45. What is a Kubernetes custom resource?
A Kubernetes custom resource is a way to extend the Kubernetes API with custom objects and controllers.
46. What is a Kubernetes operator?
A Kubernetes operator is a way to package, deploy, and manage complex applications on Kubernetes using custom resources and controllers.
47. What is a Kubernetes Helm chart?
A Kubernetes Helm chart is a package of pre-configured Kubernetes resources that can be easily installed and managed using the Helm package manager.
48. What is a Kubernetes service mesh?
A Kubernetes service mesh is a way to manage service-to-service communication within a Kubernetes cluster using a dedicated infrastructure layer.
49. What is a Kubernetes Istio?
Kubernetes Istio is an open-source service mesh that provides traffic management, security, and observability features for Kubernetes applications.
50. What is a Kubernetes Knative?
Kubernetes Knative is an open-source platform for building and deploying serverless applications on Kubernetes.
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