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Type of Application in Argo CD

  • Directory: A directory application, which is the default application type in Argo CD.
    • Directory recurse: Optional. Select to include subdirectories.
    • Top-level arguments: Optional. Select and define parameters.
    • External variables: Optional. Select and define external variables.
  • Helm: Create the application as a Helm chart.
    • Values files: One or more values.yaml files to store the parameters.
    • Values: Optional. When defined, new values not in values.yaml files are added, and existing values are overridden.
  • Kustomize: Create a Kustomize application, with the following settings:
    • Version: The version of Kustomize used to create the application.
    • Name Prefix and Name Suffix: Optional. The prefix and suffix to be appended to the resources of the application.
  • Plugin: Use for any other tool.
    • Name: The name of the Plugin used to create the application.
    • External Variables: The variables to use in the application.
Rajesh Kumar
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